Museum Visit Essay

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Medical University of South Carolina


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2/17/2020 Museum Visit Essay Museum Visit Essay Submit Assignment Due Wednesday by 11:59pm Points 40 Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload Museum Visit Essay The submission of a paper is an important part of the critical analysis and interpretation WITH FEEDBACK process. This paper is associated with visiting a museum...your choice of museum. Museum Visit: In a narrative format, the paper should contain the following elements: Define and Identify: Brief information about the museum and the works it contains. Identify which social angle(s) are most strongly associated with this experience. Experience and Appreciation: For example, how did you learn about this museum what made you select this museum, what about this museum speaks to you. Include photo evidence of your MUST be in the photo. Observe and Analyze: For example, how are other visitors engaging in or reacting to the museum or works in the museum. What did you learn from talking with other visitors or from readings on the internet about the impact of this museum on the community...local, national, global? Critique and Compare: Compare your museum to other museums you have visited or you have learned about. Consider the impact of the museum on a particular social angle and/or the evolution of the media. Consider the impact of experiencing the museum on your general outlook on the medium or appreciation of art. This Museum Guide may help you prepare for your visit. The rubric for this paper is in the syllabus and should be reviewed closely. College-level writing and mechanics are expected; however, the purpose of this assignment is to move from experiencing art to analyzing art to evaluating art. Papers should be between 1500 and 1600 1/3 2/17/2020 Museum Visit Essay words and adhere to MLA guidelines. Plagiarism will be reported to university officials and will result in an FF. Make sure to cite EVERY reference in a "References" page at the end of the paper, if applicable FORMAT: Double space your papers, include a word count at the end, include a title page, include a references page,use MLA. You must upload a scan or image of proof that you visited a museum or attended a live performance. EXAMPLE: Here are pdf files containing a museum visit essay from a previous semester. While these essays may not have earned 100%, they definitely earned an "A" and should help give you an idea of what is expected. NOTE: The student names are blacked out. Example 1 Example 2 Museum Visit Essay 2/3 2/17/2020 Museum Visit Essay Criteria Format/Layout The essay is double-spaced using a font size of 12 points with 1500-1600 words. The focus of the essay is well established and maintained throughout with proper use of MLA style for titles, page numbers, and author information. Content/Information The essay is objective and addresses with an in depth analysis all the issues referred in the proposed topic. The provided information is necessary and sufficient to discuss these issues. Quotations accurately use MLA style. THERE IS EVIDENCE OF ATTENDANCE (photo), a title page, a reference page, and an identified social angle. Mechanics The essay is well written from start to finish, without spelling, grammar or use of English errors. The essay is well organized, clear and presents ideas in a coherent way. At least three terms are used appropriately and underlined. Authenticity/Originality The essay shows evidence of thorough self-reflection. The essay demonstrates the author is fully aware of the impact and interaction of the course. A thorough contextual analysis is provided. Ratings 5.0 pts Full Marks 0.0 pts No Marks 15.0 pts Full Marks 0.0 pts No Marks 5.0 pts Full Marks 0.0 pts No Marks 15.0 pts Full Marks 0.0 pts No Marks Pts 5.0 pts 15.0 pts 5.0 pts 15.0 pts Total Points: 40.0 3/3
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1500 Words
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Surname 1
The description of art has remained to be a challenge to many people and scholars today.
The interpretation or understanding of these form of art as found in art museums have a complex
scope of nature and relationship to humanity. Consequently, artworks have cross-cultural and
social effects on the people who love it and thus need attention. Such disciplines as history,
aesthetics and humanities are emphasized while presenting any form of artwork. My visit to the
USF CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM was insightful and enjoyable at the same time. The
educational value added to my career is worth attention because I am can have a good
understanding of the things I learned in class.
Similarly, this has been an excellent experience because I have encountered a real-life
experience with the artworks that I have been viewing in books and videos for a long time. My
plan to visit the museum was well arranged for because I had everything that was required for a
successful session. I spent considerable time at the museum as it is directly related to my course.
While at the museum, I felt encouraged in my class because the artworks presented to us were
done on different interpretations depending on the culture and sociological instances of the arts. I
world agree with Rubiales (2014 pp. 14) when he points out that USF CONTEMPORARY ART
MUSEUM is a good treasure house for great knowledge in art, history, sociology, politics, ancient
sociology, religion, economics and science in the life of people. It is equally important to note that

Surname 2
USF CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM hosts different artworks that represent different times
in the world’s history, specifically the United States. Generally, the artistic information derived
from the USF CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM was of value to my class and hope that it will
help me in my academic performance. Thus, this paper will discuss my visit to USF

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.
