University of California - Irvine ?Moving from CP to AP Essay

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University of California Irvine


Moving from CP to AP Reflection

Due in class on Wednesday, February 12.

First, open your Annotated Bibliography for the CP. Reread your six annotations, paying attention to the information that proved useful in the Context Project.

Once you've gone over your CP Annotated Bib, answer the questions below in 300 to 500 words

  1. Using the Annotated Bib: To what extent were you able to apply the information and analysis you provided in your annotations into your Contexts Project? What elements of the annotations proved most useful to you as you drafted the CP? Did you integrate direct quotations into your annotations, and, if so, did you end up using these quotations in your CP? Why or why not?
  2. Knowing what you know now about the process of moving from an annotated bibliography into a full draft, is there anything you plan to do differently in your annotations for the Advocacy Project?
  3. Moving from CP to AP: For Part Two of the 39C research project, we're moving from an expository (descriptive) essay to an argumentative one, in which you'll advocate for a particular mitigation effort. Which specific sources do you intend to repurpose from the CP into the AP? How do you anticipate you might reframe the information you presented in the CP in order to advocate for a particular effort or solution in the AP?

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

All done and dusted, I guess it must be on the same topic? some background information on what the AP was or consisted of would have helped xDSpeak soon ^^!

Running header: Moving from CP to AP Reflection

Moving from CP to AP Reflection
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Moving from CP to AP Reflection


Reflecting on my annotated bibliology, I can see that I used a considerable amount of
information that I noted in my CP; I found myself returning to my summaries several times
through my drafts to top up my knowledge on specifics. In my summaries, I was able to nail
down the purpose of the articles, and this shaped my essay, and in some ways, I was able to
construct the flow of my CP with these in mind. I integrated most of the specific q...

Awesome! Made my life easier.

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