Molecule Exploration Discussion

User Generated




We are constantly being bombarded with molecules all around us. We interact with these molecules in many different ways. They stimulate our senses. They ease our pain. They color our world. The bonds in these molecules determine their shape and polarity, and therefore determine the interaction that occurs.

Some examples of molecules include:

  • The “burn” in your favorite spicy food
  • The pleasant odor of a flower or that odor that you just can’t stand
  • The chemical that you use in your hobby
  • An over-the counter drug that you have encountered


  1. Choose a molecule that you would like to investigate. Be sure that it contains at least 10 atoms. Describe any interesting physical or chemical properties of the molecule and why you chose it.
  2. Draw or download an image of the 2-D structure of the molecule. Be sure to cite your source.
  3. Describe the VSEPR geometry around at least 3 of the central atoms.
  4. Search for the 3D structure online. A possible source is List your source and describe important features of your molecule.
  5. Is the shape involved with the function of your molecule?
  6. Respond to at least two other students. Are there any similarities or differences to your molecule? Is there something else you would like to know about their molecule?
  7. Check back for comments made on your posting to keep the discussion going.

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

Amino acids are the essential components for all metabolic activities and life processes
of human beings. Glycine is one among the list of 20 amino acids, which are important to
human life. Glycine is one of the simplest kind of amino acid occurring in nature, it has a
chemical formula C2H5NO2.
Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage and skin and are made
up of amino acids. To function, protein molecules require both flexibility and rigidity.
Since glycine, the smallest amino acid, can be accommodated in places inaccessible to
other amino acids its physical property enhances the function of protein.
Glycine has many impressive health benefits. Our body needs glycine to mak...

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