Upper Iowa University Sears Company Case Study

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Business Finance

Upper Iowa University


Read Company Case 11 “Sears: Why Should You Shop There?” found on page 539 of your text

Answer the following questions:  APA format, 500 word minimum

Sears stores and the Sears Roebuck catalog were American icons for decades.  Up until the 1980s Sears was the largest retailer in the United States.   Thinking about the four elements of the retail marketing mix, Product, Place, Price, and Promotion, describe the strategies Sears used to meet customer needs, and achieve its high level of success.  (25 Points)

Using the same four elements of the retail marketing mix, discuss why Sears is no longer meeting customer needs compared to competitors (20 Points)

Thinking about the classifications of retail stores in terms of level of service vs price, how would you classify Sears?  (15 Points)

What steps could Sears take to regain a competitive edge, and reclaim its position as a leading retailer?  Is it possible?  (15 Points)

Do a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities Threats found on pages 56-57 of your text)  -  What are the largest areas of concern? (25 Points)

Explanation & Answer:
500 words
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Explanation & Answer


Running head: BUSINESS


Sears Case Study
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Question 1

Sears used to have a motto ‘Sears has everything’ and this statement was true. Buyers could even
get houses from Sears through their catalog homes and reports show that up to 70,000 houses
were sold by Sears. At the time, Sears were capable of capturing the average American’s
imagination and using this information, the business would bring the necessary products that met
their consumers’ needs. The Sears was business was so innovative that even during Christmas,
all the necessary Christmas products would be found at their place. The pedestrian way of
arranging and displaying products appealed to most American and this even attracted more
buyers to the business. Sears also used to ensure that the products it offered were superior to
those of its competitors. Sears also had a math policy in which they used to determine how to
price their goods. Sear would ensure that it matched the prices or even lower their prices
depending on their competitors and this was updated every now and then thus Sears maintained
and even attr...

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