Cardinal Stritch University Glenn Miller Presentation

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Cardinal Stritch University


the presentation is going to be about Glenn Miller 

Your assignment is to plan and prepare a maximum 15 minute PowerPoint presentation to include the following three sections:

Part I Biography of Artist

-Relevant and focused biographical information only.

-Summarize the life of your artist form birth to death, emphasizing the significant highlights and life experiences.

-Develop and format five or six slides, with images and not excessive written information.  Your slides should have as few words as possible.

Part II Musical Influences and  Style Identification

-Who were the musicians, teachers and other musical influences that shaped your artist's unique musical style?

-How would you classify the artist's musical genre and unique style?

-What are the style characteristics that support this decision?

-Develop and format two or three slides with images and not too much written information. 

-Include a You Tube video of the artist in performance.

Part III Musical Analysis ( the audio is attached is a presentation form ) 

-Analyze the musical structure of your recording.  This analysis map will be your final slide.

-Analyze the structure of your recording by mapping the sequence of musical events, left to right.

-Present and clarify the map features by answering the following questions:

                 -What is the specific style genre and sub genre?

                 -What is the meter?

                 -How long (number of bars) is each musical event?

                 -What are the types of musical events?

                 -What is the form of the main theme, head, song, etc.?

                 -Are there improvised solos?

                 -Are there transitions?

               -Are there unique or unusual departures from standard design?

                 -What are the dominant timbres?

                 -Are there any unusual timbres?

                 -Any other relevant or unusual musical details?

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Here is the audio This audio is for part 3
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Explanation & Answer:
10 Slides
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Explanation & Answer


Mid-term presentation
about Glenn Miller
Presented by:

Part I: Biography of Artist
➢ Born on March 1, 1904
➢ Disappeared December 15, 1944
➢ an American big-band:
• trombonist,
• arranger,
• composer, and
• bandleader in the swing era.
❑ the best-selling recording artist from 1939 to 1942,
❑ led one of the best-known big bands
("Glenn Miller Archives", 2020)

Recording labels during active years

In the Mood,

II. Moonlight Serenade,
III. Pennsylvania 6-5000,
IV. Chattanooga Choo Choo,
V. A String of Pearls, At Last,
VI. (I've Got a Gal In) Kalamazoo,
VII. American Patrol,
VIII. Tuxedo Junction, Elmer's Tune, and
IX. Little Brown Jug
("Glenn Mille...

I was stuck on this subject and a friend recommended Studypool. I'm so glad I checked it out!

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