Cardinal Stritch University Charlie Parker Presentation

User Generated



Cardinal Stritch University


Make a Presentation about Charlie Parker

Part I Musical Influences and  Style Identification

-Who were the musicians, teachers and other musical influences that shaped your artist's unique musical style?

-How would you classify the artist's musical genre and unique style?

-What are the style characteristics that support this decision?

-Develop and format two or three slides with images and not too much written information.  

-Include a You Tube video of the artist in performance.

Part II Musical Analysis

-Analyze the musical structure of your recording.  This analysis map will be your final slide.

-Analyze the structure of your recording by mapping the sequence of musical events, left to right.

-Present and clarify the map features by answering the following questions:

                 -What is the specific style genre and sub genre?

                 -What is the meter?

                 -How long (number of bars) is each musical event?

                 -What are the types of musical events?

                 -What is the form of the main theme, head, song, etc.?

                 -Are there improvised solos?

                 -Are there transitions?

               -Are there unique or unusual departures from standard design?

                 -What are the dominant timbres?

                 -Are there any unusual timbres?

                 -Any other relevant or unusual musical details?

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Explanation & Answer:
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Explanation & Answer


A presentation about Charlie Parker

Part 1 musical Influences and Style

Who were the musicians, teachers and other musical influences that shaped your
artist's unique musical style?

How would you classify the artist's musical
genre and unique style?

Charlie Parker's music was classified as jazz that was characterized by fast tempos,
virtuosic technique, and advanced harmonies. Also, the use of melodic chord
extensions, disjointed melodic lines, melodic connections that were based on subtle
voice leadi...

Really useful study material!
