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Mental Health Disorders

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Mental Health Disorders
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1. Describe schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder and explains their differences?
Schizophrenia is a serious and chronic illness or mental disorder which interfere with a person’s
ability to think, feel, manage emotions, and to make decisions. Schizophrenia disorder is
considered an abnormal social behavior and it make it difficult for a person to fully express their
emotions in social situations and he or she cannot assess what is real and what is going artificial.
According to different perceptions of the public, Schizophrenia is not a dual or multiple
personalities of a person but it is a change in the personality of the person. People with
Schizophrenia disorder are not violent and do not harm any person. Schizophrenia is not caused
by the poor parenting or the childhood experiencing and this not same in every person. Individuals
suffering from Schizophrenia may experience symptoms like delusions, hallucinations, and
confused thinking and talking. It is a long-term medical illness which affects almost 1% of the
Americans. There is no specific age for this disorder but it mostly occurs in men in the early 20s
or in women in late 20s-early 30s [(MHA, n.d)].
Dissociative Identity Disorder or multiple personality disorder is said to be a condition
when a person has two or more identities and these identities alternately control over an individual.
Symptoms of this disorder are a headache, violence, self-perception, amnesia and trances [(Web
MD, n.d)]. The person, who is in Dissociative Identity Disorder, also faces memory loss and it is
extensive than an ordinary memory loss. With this disorder, a person highly distinct memory
variations which change along with the person’s dual personality. The different identities of the
same person have their own race, sex, or age. Each of the identities has their own postures,
gestures, and way of talking. Sometimes, the second identity may be imaginary people or an
animal. The word of Switching is used when the identity of a person with Dissociative Identity
Disorder is changed into the identity of some other person and it may take seconds, minutes, or

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Running Head: MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS Mental Health Disorders Student Name Institute Name 1 MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS 2 1. Describe schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder and explains their differences? Schizophrenia is a serious and chronic illness or mental disorder which interfere with a person’s ability to think, feel, manage emotions, and to make decisions. Schizophrenia disorder is considered an abnormal social behavior and it make it difficult for a person to fully express their emotions in social situations and he or she cannot assess what is real and what is going artificial. According to different perceptions of the public, Schizophrenia is not a dual or multiple personalities of a person but it is a change in the personality of the person. People with Schizophrenia disorder are not violent and do not harm any person. Schizophrenia is not caused by the poor parenting or the childhood experiencing and this not same in every person. Individuals suffering from Schizophrenia may experience symptoms like delusions, hallucinations, and confused thinking and talking. It is a long-term medical illness which affects almost 1% of the Americans. There is no specific age for this disorder but it mostly occurs in men in the early 20s or in women in late 20s-early 30s [(MHA, n.d)]. Dissociative Identity Disorder or multiple personality disorder is said to be a condition when a person has two or more identities and these identities alternately control over an indiv ...
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