University of Bridgeport Medical Terminology Paper

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MLSC-315 Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________ Medical Terminology Homework Using the information in your textbook for lesson 1-3, please answer the following questions. 1. What is the word that means to “cut into a vein”? 2. What is the word that means “small cell”? 3. What is the word that means “red cell”? 4. What is the word that means “study of the blood”? 5. What is the word that means “large cell”? 6. What is the word that means “cancerous tumor”? 7. What is the word that means “lack of cells”? 8. What is the word that means “deficiency of blood”? 9. What is the abbreviation for the anticoagulant ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid? 10. What is the abbreviation for the clinical chemistry test blood urea nitrogen? 11. What is the abbreviation for the human immunodeficiency virus? 12. What is the abbreviation for the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin? 13. What abbreviation means to do something immediately? 14. Some abbreviations can have multiple meanings. List one of these multi-meaning abbreviations and list the two meanings.
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MLSC-315 Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________
Medical Terminology Homework
Using the information in your textbook for lesson 1-3, please answer the followi...

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