Computing Binary Values Using a Scientific Calculator Matrix Multiplication Task

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Fill the message in the 4X4 MATRIX

and NOW Multiply by the AES MIX ROW - IN GALOIS FIELD (Below)

2 3 1 1

1 2 3 1

1 1 2 3

3 1 1 2

Remember the 2 is actually is actually 0010

3 is 0011

1 is 0001



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THE ENCRYPTION The final stages of EAS Encryption When encrypting with AES, we only need to multiply by the Galois fields for 1, 2 and 3. The interesting part about this multiplication, it is already done for us. It is everywhere on the internet. I will show you the tables in a few minutes. A few things to remember – 1. Multiply a Galois field by a Galois field for 1 – you get the same thing. It is like multiplying a number by 1. You get the same number back. 2. Multiply by two or three are different. The original values des change. We can multiply or we can use the look up tables. 3. There are two tables that are available MUL2 and MUL3. 4. Remember the resulting values have to be MOD 100011011  Do you remember why? This is the reducer to make the result fit in a byte Let’s look at the word ‘what’ and apply AES to it W is a 57 in HEX – represented by 0x57 h is a 68 in HEX – represented by 0x68 a is a 61 in HEX – represented by 0x61 t is a 74 in HEX - – represented by 0x74 Now we have to take the DOT PRODUCT and it is complex. 0x57 0x68 [ 0x02 0x03 0x01 0x01 ] 0x61 0x74 5 = 0101 (in bits) 7 = 0111 (in bits) 57 = 01010111 (Or use your scientific calculator) NOW How about the 02? -> (10) Now multiple the 01010111 by 10 (0x57 times 0x02 - HEX) (remember you did this before) X^6 + x^4 + x^2 + x^1 + x^0 multiply by X^1 01 12 23 45 67 Now we count How many 7–1 6 -- 0 5 -- 1 4 -- 0 3 -- 1 2 -- 1 1–0 So 0x57 DOT 0x02 = 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 Now do you need to reduce  THE ANSWER IS NO. Why  because the bits fit in a BYTE NO REDUCER NEEDED. I have one more post to finish with AES MIDTERM EXAM PART 2 Use this message: (FOLLOW THE "WHAT" example above) "UCUMBERLAND IS A+" Fill the message in the 4X4 MATRIX and NOW Multiply the AES MIX ROW - IN GALOIS FIELD (Below) 2311 12/31 1 1 2 3 3112 Remember the 2 is actually is actually 0010 3 is 0011 1 is 0001 YOU ARE PERFORMING MATRIX MULTIPLICATION (DOT PRODUCT) AND REDUCE IF NEEDED. THE RESULT HAS TO FIT IN ONE BYTE THIS IS DIFFICULT AND TAKES TIME UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW TO USE THE LOOK UP TABLE IN WIKEPEDIA (MUL2 and MUL3) ******************WE ARE TALKING 10 MINUTES or 4 HOURS ********** **************
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Explanation & Answer

attached below is my completed answer

We apply AES to each letter in the message ‘UCUMBERLAND IS A+” and obtain the following

U is a 55 in HEX – represented by 0x55
C is a 43 in HEX – represented by 0x43
U is a 55 in HEX – represented by 0x55
M is a 4D in HEX – represented by 0x4D
B is a 42 in HEX – represented by 0x4D
E is a 45 in HEX – represented by 0x45
R is a 52 in HEX – represented by 0x42
L is a 4C in HEX – represented by 0x4C
A is a 41 in HEX – represented by 0x41
N is a 4E in HEX – represented by 0x4E
D is a 44 in HEX – represented by 0x4D
“Space” is a 20 in HEX – represented by 0x20
I is a 49 in HEX – represented by 0x49
S is a 53 in HEX – represented by 0x53
“Space” is a 20 in HEX – represented by 0x20
A is a 41 in HEX – represented by 0x41
“+” is a 2B in HEX – represented by 0x2B

Each of the single value (from 0 to 9 and from A to F) can be written in bits as shown below:

0 = 0000 (in bits)
1 = 0001 (in bits)
2 = 0010 (in bits)
3 = 0011 (in bits)
4 = 0100 (in bits)
5 = 0101 (in bits)
6 = 0110 (in bits)
7 = 0111 (in bits)
8 = 1000 (in bits)
9 = 1001 (in bits)
A = 1010 (i...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.
