Louisiana State University Eunice Mathematics Worksheet

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Louisiana State University Eunice


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LA EVE Non Practice and Problem-solving Exercises A Practice Match each inequality with graph A, B, C, or D. 5. x < -1 See Problem 3. 6. 2-1 7.-1 2 To start, decide if 2 is a solution. y > 2 means all real numbers y that are greater than 2. Because 2 is not a solution, draw an open dot at 2. -3 -2 -1 0 1 1 2 3 10. t < -4 11. z7 5. A cyclist takes her bicycle on a chairlift to the top of a slope. The chairlift can safely carry 680 lb. The cyclist weighs 124 lb, and the bicycle weighs 32 lb. What are the possible additional weights the chairlift can safely carry? 7. Reasoning What can you do to the first inequality in each pair in order to get the second inequality? a. x + 4 = 10; x = 6 b. -6 -18 + m Solve each inequality. Graph and check your solutions. 12. y – 2 > 11 Guided Practice y - 2 + 2 > 11 + 2 To start, undo subtraction by adding 2 to each side. 15.8 sf - 4 14. -6> 0 - 2 13. v - 4 r- 19. : - 12 5-4 187 Lesson 3-2 Solving Inequalities Using Addition or Subtraction PowerAlgebra.com
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