MATH 275 Skyline College Math Worksheet

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math 275

Skyline College



Match the equation with it's description (equations are in order of appearance in the text):

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Match the equation with it's description (equations are in order of appearance in the text): 1. dx dt - - 113 2. dy dt 11 x – 12y 3. dz dt = 12y 4. dx dt = - 113 dy = 113 - 12y dt dz dt = 12y 5. dx dt -AX, a > 0 6. dx dt = - ax + bay dy 7. = dy, d > 0 8. dy dt = dy – cxy 9. dx dt - ax + bxy = x (-a + by) dy dt = dy – cxy = y(d – cx) 10. dx dt = ax 11. dy dt - су 12. dx dt = ax – by dy dt Ecy – dx dx 13. = ax – bxy dy dt - cy – dxy dx dt = 21 X – bj x2 . 此如此如此如此出此 15. dy dt = 22y – b2y2 16. dx dt = a1x – 61x2 – cıxy = x (a1 - 612 – C1y) dy dt = a2y – b2y2 – C2xy = y(a2 – b2y – C2x) di2 17. E (t) = i Ri + L1 + i2R2 dt diz 18. E (t) = ijR1 + L2 dt dia 19. L1 dt + (R1 + R2) iz + Riig = E(t) diz L2 + R112 + Riz = E(t) dt dii 20. L + Ri2 = E(t) dt RCM2 + iz – i1 = 0 Decay rate of element Z depends on the amount of atoms gained from the decay of element Y rate of growth of a competitor population x in isolation A fox population declines if there are no rabbits for them to eat rate of growth of a competitor population y in isolation Decay rate of element X in a decay series where X decays to Y decays to Z This system models the interactions between a rabbit and fox population, a predator-prey model called the Lotka-Volterra System of equations that models two populations competing for the same resources where the two populations have voltage drop across a resistor, branch point, and an inductor System of equations that models two populations competing for the same resources System of equations that models the decay series of an elemt X into an element z Decay rate of element Y gains atoms from element X as it decays This system models the competition of two logistical populations that have interactions between each other The growth of a competitive population y in isolation grows exponentially showing logistical growth System of equations that models a parallel circuit that contains an inductor, resistor and capasitor, the branch point being after The growth of a competitive population x in isolation grows exponentially showing logistical growth Voltage drop across a resistor, branch point, inductor and another resistor A fox population will keep a rabbit population from growing too large t=due to the interactions between the two populations System of equations that models the voltage drop over a circuit in parallel, where each loop of the circuit has an inductor. The a rabbit population would grow with no foxes to eat them A rabbit population will allow a fox population to decline a slower rate due to the interactions between the two populations
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= −1 x , Decay rate of element X in a decay series where X decays to Y

decays to Z.
= 1 x − 2 y , Decay rate of element Y gains atoms from element X as it decays
= 2 y , Decay rate of element Z depends on the amount of atoms gained from


the decay of element Y.
 dx
 dt = −1 x

4.  = 1 x − 2 y System of equations that models the decay series of an element
 dt
 dz
 dt = 2 y

X into an element Z.
= − ax , a  0 , A fox population declines if there...

Very useful material for studying!
