HCA 302 Walden University Professional Association Growth and Development Questions

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Business Finance

HCA 302

Walden University



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Cover Page - Delete this statement and the highlighted text before submitting your assignment. Part I: Career Path Goals: Fill out this by identifying five career path goals. [Example: Health Care Financial Analyst: a) To build career in hospital administration with a focus as a financial analyst to utilize my accounting background. b) To advance my skills in all areas of healthcare services, utilization, finance and budgeting. c) To work for a large, progressive health care organization in a job that has growth potential as a health care financial analyst.] GOAL 1) GOAL 2) GOAL 3) GOAL 4) GOAL 5) Part II: Professional Association Information Name of Professional Association Type of Organization Reach (national, state, local) Number of Members Services Provided Continuing Education Offered Personal Development Opportunities Professional Resources Made Available Certifications Offered 1) 2) 3) Other Benefits Membership Fee (Student, Professional) Part III: Write 1-2 paragraph responses to each of the following prompts: Explain why you made these three choices. (1-2 paragraphs) Explain if one of these organizations is a right fit to meet your career objectives and why. (1-2 paragraphs) Explain how affiliation with your chosen association(s) could demonstrate the Saint Leo University core values of Personal Development and Community. (1-2 paragraphs) ______________ References
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Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name




Healthcare is a critical aspect of the life of a human being. When one is in good health
makes him be in a stable state as the body is on its standard functionality. In conjunction with
healthcare, various health centers are put in place to ensure that they facilitate healthcare when
needed. Various hospitals give different services differently depending on their professionality.
This aspect makes hospitals be ranked individually in their best performances and service
provision. In this context, I will discuss why Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center (Milwaukee) is
among the top best 100 hospitals in America. Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center is a 680-bed
ranked number two in Milwaukee (Chawla et al.,2019). This Hospital professionally has
specialized in five faculties which are: Diabetes, heart surgery and cardiology, gastroenterology,
Pulmonology and geriatrics, and GI surgery.
Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center is very skilled in Neurology, cancer, transplant, and
cardiac services. Basing an argument from Saint Leo University, Aurora Medical Center possess
personal stewardship in serving its patients because the heart care team is in service 24/7. Due to
its professionalism, the Center does more transcatheter aortic valve replacement more than any
other hospital in the United States. Thus makes it qualify to be among the top 100 hospitals.
Nevertheless, its mission is the dedication to providing nonprofit quality and proficient healthcare
services to its patients. According to Thomson Reuters, the evaluation of these hospitals get done
under ten categories, such as patient satisfaction, patient safety, and heart failures. And it is thus
putting Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center at an advantaged state since it has done more than 1000
heart transplant successful. Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center provides quality services under the

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