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Marketing is a significant element in both the organization, the society, and the
consumers. For instance, in the distribution of goods and services, marketing plays a vital role in
satisfying the needs and wants of the consumers as well as the needs of society. According to
various studies, marketing is a critical process in promoting and selling goods and services to
consumers. Studies further argue that through marketing, businesses can maintain a company’s
reputation and engage customers effectively. Therefore, an entrepreneur must identify and
understand the various terminologies of marketing. Some of the basic terms of marketing include
Product, Customer, Trade, Monopoly, Supply, and demand. These terms are crucial in ensuring
the company’s success if they are well understood by an entrepreneur.
In the PBS-NOVA Documentary "Secrets of the Viking Sword,” both the associates use
marketing terminologies in their explanation, hence showing the importance of marketing in
various businesses. The first marketing concept in the documentary is “product.” Customers
often prefer products of excellent quality. Hence manufacturers develop more innovative
products to meet the demands of their customers. Therefore, producing high quality products will
attract more customers and also maintain customer loyalty.
Similarly, the Ulfberht sword carried by the Vikings was about 1,000 years ahead of its
time, hence showing the quality of the product (Yost, 2012). It was a unique product with unique
material, thus making it difficult for competitors to produce the same product. Therefore,
successful manufacturers often provide goods and services unique from competitors to have a
competitive advantage in the market. In a competitive market, manufacturers employ effective
strategies to ensure that they have a competitive advantage over their competitors by producing
unique products just as the Ulfberht sword created by a mysterious craftsman from a unique
material. According to Allan Williams, the sword was much better than other produced swords

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before in Europe. Therefore, the Ulfberht sword was a unique product that was different from
all other swords, thus making it valuable and increased demand from the consumers.
Second, business entrepreneurs and organizations often carry out market research to
evaluate the feasibility of an existing or new product. Through market research, manufacturers
can find out information and opportunities for the current product to determine its value, thus
helping in planning and strategizing effectively. In the documentary, Allan Williams has had an
interest in armor and swords, thus conducting market research on the swords to determine how
they were made. In his study, he identified that smelted iron was the source of swords and
armors (Yost, 2012). He examined various types of swords to determine their differences from
the Ulfberht sword. He says that as compared to the Ulfberht sword, one or two swords he
studied were made of steel and were completely different from the Ulfberht sword. Through his
research, Williams identified that the Ulfberht sword was the only sword made from stainless
high carbon steel, thus giving the swords more value far ahead of their time. The research
enabled William to determine the material used to manufacture the sword, which was a novel
material unavailable anywhere in Europe. Therefore, the power of market research is to find out
vital information on both new and existing products to determine their value.
Third, as the demand for the Ulfberht sword increased, and the supply was limited, the
price of the sword was high. According to the documentary, there were few swords, and the
people who knew how to make these swords were a fence, hence the higher price of the sword.
When the resources needed to manufacture a product are minimal, and the demand is high,
supply will be minimized and as a result, increased prices of the product in the market. Similarly,
the Ulfberht sword was expensive of the limited supply and increased demand for the product.

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Marketing is a significant element in both the organization, the society, and the consumers. For instance, in the distribution of goods and services, marketing plays a vital role in satisfying the needs and wants of the consumers as well as the needs of society. According to various studies, marketing is a critical process in promoting and selling goods and services to consumers. Studies further argue that through marketing, businesses can maintain a company’s reputation and engage customers effectively. Therefore, an entrepreneur must identify and understand the various terminologies of marketing. Some of the basic terms of marketing include Product, Customer, Trade, Monopoly, Supply, and demand. These terms are crucial in ensuring the company’s success if they are well understood by an entrepreneur. In the PBS-NOVA Documentary "Secrets of the Viking Sword,” both the associates use marketing terminologies in their explanation, hence showing the importance of marketing in various businesses. The first marketing concept in the documentary is “product.” Customers often prefer products of excellent quality. Hence manufacturers develop more innovative products to meet the dem ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.
