Record the Temperature for Your City Mapping Activity

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Module #3 Mapping Activity Weather Maps Visit Some explanation of the website: Windy ( (although slightly older version of Windy) But many others… Goal of this Activity : to explore climate and weather related concepts Look at a forecast today and a couple days out for a particular location in the world. List the location you want to explore (e.g. Ottawa) ______________ And date you explored (e.g. July 21st ):_________________ Instructions: 1. Turn the wind (particles animation) and pressure on. Should look like this. Overlays Display on Map 2. Then set the “Overlays” to temperature (will set back map as temperature, colour grades) and “Display on Map” temperature (will actually show city location points and written temps) 3. Recored the Temperature for your city” : i. date of assignment completed____________ ii. Two days out __________________ 4. Now Change the overlays or display maps to record the following for two days out i. Relative Humity_________ ii. Dewpoint ___________ iii. Barometric pressure________ 5. Now find an area of high pressure near your city on any day. Describe the wind patterns of the high pressure cell. Are the going in or out, clockwise or counterclockwise. 6. Now find an area of low pressure near your city on any day. Describe the wind patterns of the high pressure cell. Are the going in or out, clockwise or counterclockwise. 7. Explore some other feature of the maps, overlays, and display (especially related to things from Module2 or 3). Take a screen shot and paste it here. (Snipping Tool is great for this in Windows) 8. Pan to another continent in the world (e.g. Europe or South America) and take another screen shot and paste here. Then describe the differences between the two areas in term of the variables in two-three sentences.
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Explanation & Answer

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Module #3 Mapping Activity
Weather Maps
Some explanation of the website:
Windy ( (although slightly older version of
But many others…
Goal of this Activity: to explore climate and weather-related concepts.
Look at a forecast today and a couple of days out for a particular location in the world.
List the location you want to explore (e.g. Ottawa): Montreal, Canada
And the date you explored (e.g. July 21st): July 24, 2022

1. Turn the wind (particles animation) and pressure on. Should look like this.


Display on Map

2. Then set the “Overlays” to temperature (will set back map as temperature, colour
grades) and “Display on Map” temperature (will actually show city location
points and written temps).

3. Record the Temperature for your city:
i. Date of assignment completed: 22°C
ii. Two days out: 18°C
4. Now Change ...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.

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