A T Still University Emerging Pollutants Chemistry Paper

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A. T. Still University


Write a paper on emerging pollutants and examples & non convectional methods used in waste watter treatment.

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Emerging pollutants and wastewater treatment
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Emerging pollutants and examples
Emerging pollutants refer to compounds found naturally occurring or human-induced and
have not yet been covered in the existing water regulations, have not, however, been covered
through studies previously and are assumed to be either harmful to the ecosystem or humans.
Some of these compounds are entirely new, while others might have been existing in the
environment for decades of years. An emerging pollutant might suddenly be identified from an
anonymous source; it's long/short term exposure to humans or through technology and novel
approach strategies (Dulio, & Van Bavel, et al., 2018). One of the chief causatives of the high
rate of emerging pollutants is the increase of industries and manufacturing plants, not forgetting
agricultural activities. Besides, the transport industry, as well as amassing urbanization all the
world, has also contributed largely to the increase of emerging pollutants in the environment.
According to the EU NORMAN network, numerous emerging pollutants that have not yet been
studied are potential threats since some stand high chances of causing environmental or healthrelated complications (Dulio, & Van Bavel, et al., 2018).
Only a few of the overall existing emerging pollutants have been studied and can be categorized
into; Industrial additives, Pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and also steroids and
hormones, amongst many others. Industrial additives are quite many, but to mention, they
include; phthalates, dioxins, bisphenol A, carbonated solvents, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons.
Pharmaceuticals also include; antibiotics (ciprofloxacin and tetracycline), paracetamol, and
members of contrast media (iopromide and iopamidol). Some hormones include; androgens
(testosterone androstenedione) and estrogens (estrone and estriol). Lastly, personal care products

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