UCLA Jazz Paper

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University Of California Los Angeles


For the research paper, you are to chose a notable jazz musician from either the past or present, and study his/her life, art, and impact on society/culture. The paper is built in three installments which will be turned in on three separate dates. A quality research paper must also have a thesis (organizing argument) stating a proposition. The paper should begin with an introduction describing the person you chose, why you chose him/her, and stating your specific thesis. The middle of the paper will consist of background research on the music and culture pertaining to your chosen individual. The paper should end with a conclusion that revisits the original thesis, highlights what you learned through your research about the person you chose, and how the experience has impacted or altered your views about jazz, culture, and the world around you.

You must include a bibliography, showing that you used a variety of resources with at least 4 articles, books, and encyclopedias.  You must include at least one of each of those.  A good resource to start with is Oxford Music Online (http://library.calstate.edu/northridge/databases/proxy/20).

You can also find a list of relevant jazz books on page A39 of your text, which you then can search for at the Oviatt Library and in the Music Library.  You may NOT use your textbook itself as a resource. The Oviatt Database for music is at: (http://library.calstate.edu/northridge/databases/subject/music).

You may also find articles from jazz publications or other news publications online, but please avoid websites such as Wikipedia or any website that does not cite its sources or provide credentials to show that its authors are experts in their subject.

Installment #1 (20 points): Students will submit the introduction of the paper (title, topic and the person related to your topic, why you chose this person and topic, and your thesis in bold print).  This introduction may be anywhere from a few sentences to two pages in length, as long as the above requirements are met.

Below is a list of acceptable musicians to focus on, though you are more than welcome to ask about performers who are not on this list. This list is just intended to give you some ideas.

Choose one of this 

Early Jazz/New Orleans
Louis Armstrong -trumpet
Sidney Bechet - clarinet/soprano saxophone
Jelly Roll Morton - piano
Fats Waller - piano

Explanation & Answer:
1 Page
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Explanation & Answer

Hello, here is the introduction. I think we will go on with the rest of the paper after the introduction part is approved right?

Running head: JAZZ MUSIC


Jazz Music: Early Jazz/New Orleans
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation


Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.

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