ITMG 481 American Military University Computer Virus Paper Research Paper

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ITMG 481

American Military University



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Running Head: COMPUTER VIRUS 1 Computer Virus Paper Outline Robert Ramos 2/2/20 COMPUTER VIRUS 2 I. II. III. IV. V. Introduction A. Definition of a computer virus. B. The history of computer virus C. How a virus is created D. Why the virus is created, the prevalence and trends in computer virus How computer viruses are spread A. Scam links B. Downloads C. Emails D. Social media links Type of computer virus A. What they include B. What each virus does C. The damages that each can cause Preventive measures A. What different control measures can be taken against a computer virus? B. The different software for removing viruses Conclusion A. The summary of key points discussed in the paper B. A synthesis of the researcher's thoughts on the subject COMPUTER VIRUS 3 C. Suggestions for research References Al Daoud, E., Jebril, I. H., & Zaqaibeh, B. (2008). Computer virus strategies and detection methods. Int. J. Open Problems Compt. Math, 1(2), 12-20. Balthrop, J., Forrest, S., Newman, M. E., & Williamson, M. M. (2004). Technological networks and the spread of computer viruses. Science, 304(5670), 527-529. Sanford, M. (2010). Computer viruses and malware by john Aycock. ACM SIGACT News, 41(1), 44-47. Subramanya, S. R., & Lakshminarasimhan, N. (2001). Computer viruses. IEEE potentials, 20(4), 16-19. Subramanya, S. R., & Lakshminarasimhan, N. (2001). Computer viruses. IEEE potentials, 20(4), 16-19. Werber, B. (2001). Lack of computer security in small Slovenian businesses. Managing Information Technology in a Global Economy, 280.
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Computer Virus Paper Outline
Robert Ramos



Definition of a computer virus

When it comes to computing we can all express our frustrations at technical
incompetence be it software or hardware related bugs and glitches and things like that, but there's
no doubt about it. The mass deist most infuriating aspect of computing is the computer virus. A
computer virus is something can replicate itself that produces its code that a user or the owner of
the computer could not firmly recognize its occurrence (Werber, 2001). Something that can
make the security system of the computer to paralyze and can damage the entire system and can
probably make the stored data loss. However, it is vital to realize that the computer 'viruses' are
malicious scripts invented by people, while biological viruses are particles which are often not
created by people.

The history of computer virus

As a major aspect of computer virus history, returning to 1949 a mathematician by the
name of John von Neumann proposed the possibility of a self-duplicating program which he
depicted as acting like a virus from this present reality, yet it wasn't until the 1960s when a group
of software engineers built up a game called Core Wars which had a somewhat one of a kind
capacity. It would repeat itself every time and it was run on a PC and subsequently, it would
reproduce itself so much that would soak the PC's memory (Werber, 2001). Presently, what's
truly fascinating about this story is that the engineers of Core Wars additionally took a shot at an
application called Reaper which was an antivirus application explicitly intended to wreck the
game of a virus computer and that adds some confidence to the conspiracy theory. These
antivirus programming organizations make the viruses of not saying that they do yet, from this
story we could perceive any reason why many individuals would accept that during the 1980s


ms-dos was quickly turning into the most well known OS on earth and that is when viruses truly
began (Swain, 2009). The OS was focused on malicious viruses.
The world's first trojan is called PC during the 80s virus creators were beginning to
understand that the most ideal method for making viruses wasn't to make applications that must
be executed however to contaminate framework records on a PC. In 1988 we had the Morris
worm which contaminated more than 6,000 PCs which doesn't appear that much now yet at the
time. The coming of the web and email presently implied that viruses could be made and spread
far simpler. Truth be told, with the development of use suites like office and specific word. The
word fundamental viruses would now be able to be composed effectively on the two Macs and
PCs and hence they were fanned out quickly

How a virus is created

There are different viruses and there are also various ways that viruses can be created.
Many programmers today who learn how to create viruses and even on how to avoid viruses in
computers. Creating a virus can be done in various programming languages that would build a
certain private code. Like for example, in python, a programmer can create a combination of
codes in the computer of another user to detect their private information or to steal their data
from their device. Also, they can build a code that can make the data on computer loss and
damage the security of the computer system. The formulation of coding to create viruses is one o
the serious issues that been faced in some organizations where they could not attain to solve the
issues on time, due to hiding codes that need to be detected with the help of IT experts.

Why the virus is created, the prevalence and trends in computer virus

Many companies experienced the spread of viruses on their own devices. The virus is no
good, but why it was created? This question is easy to answer by programm...

Just the thing I needed, saved me a lot of time.
