ISSC 362 American Military University Malware Paper

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ISSC 362

American Military University



Write a paper on any of the following topics:

- Mobile device attacks

- Application security in large enterprises

- Thinking like a hacker to protect your network

- Wireless security in large enterprises

- Today's malware is much more sinister

- Database attacks

- Honeypots are incident handlers' best friend

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Running head; Today's malware is much more sinister Discussion on today's malware is much more sinister Robert Ramos 2/2/20 1 Running head; Today's malware is much more sinister 2 Today's malware is much more sinister Thesis statement; the main of this is to discuss the various ways in which malware has developed and has really built up to become more dangerous in the computer world. A. Introduction 1. Malware attacks on computers seem to be evolving as time goes by. The traditional software is still dangerous, but then this is not so much dangerous as the second generation of viruses which have a silver lining. 2. This lining helps in ensuring that this malware is robust compared to traditional malware 3. This paper explains scenarios in which malware has improved and become sinister. B. Background information 1. New threat Shamoon I. Firstly, a new threat that has the name Shamoon has been found and steal all the data from the computer and then wipes it out hence leaves no trace as the computer will have been rendered useless. II. Shamoon and other new malware represent a new set of malware that has been developed to evade any threat that will make anybody getting information from a computer have traces of who did it (Lloyd, 2008). III. They are programmed to fly and the radar; hence they are only used when the computer is to be rendered useless. 2. Malware evolution I. Secondly, malware has evolved into a massive business thereat in many organizations. Running head; Today's malware is much more sinister II. In the 1990s, the main aim of such malware would be to cause just a little havoc to the computer system. Currently, cyber crimes are used for so many things. Most malware has been developed and has so many functions, which include cybercrimes (Furnel, 2010). III. Different computers can be connected, and then the malware used in making sure that the PCs receive spam and cause different attacks on their software. IV. Examples of cybercrimes that malware engages in are capturing important information of various computer users, which include the name and their passwords. V. Currently, the malware invented, especially Shamoon, has the ability to cause an attack on a specific target and not a group of computers as it was done earlier on (Furnel, 2010). VI. By this, it means that in case an international attack wants to be made on a military computer. This malware will be able to ensure that it performs the very attack that it is programmed to do on the specific computer (Lloyd, 2008). It is programmed to copy cat and make precise attacks without the international spying agent. 3. Distractions that malware can cause I. The bad news about such malware is that they have an excellent way of evading detection. After generating the attack, they are never detected even before they cause the attack. It makes them so much dangerous. 3 Running head; Today's malware is much more sinister II. 4 Other than that, Flame, which is one of the dangerous malware, has been circulating in the wild for years, and no security malware researcher has been able to detect it. They exploit zero-day flows hence cannot be easily detected through anyway. III. This malware is also useful in that their attacks are generally targeted by many. It makes them have very specific targets hence does not cause the attack on many computers. IV. In case an attack is made, then most computers will not be affected because they have specific targets and deal with specific information (Lloyd, 2008). By not spreading the attack to many computers, this means that the threat of detection will be less as most of them will not have been harmed. C. Conclusion I. In conclusion, One way that most business and consumers can defend their computers from malware is by applying patches to fix all the holes in the operating system and making sure that all the systems and applications in the computer are kept and running an update. Running head; Today's malware is much more sinister 5 References Lloyd, B (2008) The changing face of malware. Network security. (1) 17-20 Funnel, S (2010) Hackers, viruses, and malicious software. Handbook of internet crime. 173-193 Ford, R (2008) AGGRAVATING ADWARE AND SINISTER SPYW SINISTER SPYWARE
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Discussion on Today's Malware Is Much More Sinister
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Malware attacks seem to evolve as time goes by. After the creation of internet network, the
attack came prominent in many organizations. Malware software attack evolves every year. The
conventional malware still exists as threat in many organizations, but it's not so much critical as
the ones evolving currently. Malware software reflects various ways in which it evolves gradually
to cause threats in many places. Following the trend, shamoon and flame reflects new threats in
the computer industry.
Background information
New threat Shamoon
Shamoon attacks most of the data stored in the computer system. The malware deletes all
the data from the computer system. The virus has a notable destruction to the computer system.
Shamoon malware can spread to computers connected to the same network. When the virus affects
the system, it continues to compile a list of files from different locations of the computer system.
The malware can upload all the files to the attacker and eventually erasing them (Lloyd, 2008).
The final step the virus does is to overwrite the master boot record of the infected computer,
making it useless. Cyberwarfare used the virus in Saudi Arabia against the national oil companies.
After the company realized the virus, it spent more time and resources to restore the services. The
company could not perform its services due to the Shamoon virus at...

Just what I needed…Fantastic!

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