COM 270 UCLA Interpersonal Development Project Worksheet

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COM 270

University Of California Los Angeles



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Interpersonal Development Project Worksheet Explain the current problem/challenge and your role in it: Define the concept(s) that you will apply to improve this situation based on at least two academic articles. You should (1) define the concept, (2) summarize the articles and (3) discuss practical things you could do based on the findings from each study. Be sure the articles come from Communication Studies journals. Outline a specific plan to implement the concept and make improvements based on the literature you have read and class discussions: Describe the outcomes of your application: Explain why that outcome occurred and what you learned from it: References Xi Wang Com 270 AO Jan.17 2020 Interpersonal Development Project: Backstory I have a friend called Jackson. We met at the party and he liked my best friend Caroline very much. So we got to know each other in his pursuit of Caroline. At first, I treated him with the same attitude as ordinary friends, but gradually he began to tell me his bothering things As a result, the two of us became good friends. That is, at that time, Caroline rejected his pursuit and disconnected from him. When he told me the news, I found that I had a hint of luck in my heart. Until then, I realized that I seemed to already like this impulsive big boy. He once said that if he likes a person, he wants to give her all the good things in the world, wants to protect her and make her feel secure. And As long as she is happy, Jackson will be happy as well. I remember at that time, I was very envious of the girl he liked, who is able to reap all the attention of a person beyond family and friends. I look forward to such a life, but I dare not to imagine. Because I know that he is concerned about my best friend. I like his impulse, which made him enthusiastic at the same time. I also like his innocence, which led me to see the kindness of this boy's heart in this world. I also remember that after being rejected, he did not feel upset. He just calmly accepted the result and went back to his life and study. Instead of sending the prepared gifts, he respected each other's decisions and chose not to disturb Caroline's life. He knew it was easy to part, and always looks forward instead of staying in the same place. Jackson won't regret his decision, for he has enough mental capacity to accept all unknown results. Now I would like to know him in a new identity, no longer under the guise of a friend to care about him. In his eyes, I'm a worthy person. He always praises me as a mature, self-reliant person. Perhaps my relationship with him has exceeded the boundaries of good friends. Before that, I was his love mentor, a tree hole that can share life and secrets. For now, I seem to like his younger sister who needs to be taken care of. He got angry once when he knew I was on a diet to lose weight. In the middle of that night, he pulled me to a restaurant immediately because he said he was hungry. Perhaps in the eyes of most people, we both care about each other. But to me, it would be strange to say ambiguous words to him, and even if I give him a lot, it will be defined as a care between friends. How to get out of this existing relationship has become the biggest problem. I hope that after this class, I can use the knowledge I learned in this class about how contact between two people can actively promote the relationship between lovers, to make him feel different from friend relationship. All in all, in the coming year, Jackson and I may have our ups and downs, but no matter the laughter or the tears, I hope that I will not finally pay all the efforts in vain.
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Current problem/challenge
Jackson and I have been friends for some time now. I met him when he came in
pursuit of my other friend Caroline. During this period of time, Jackson and I developed to be
the best of friends, and we shared stuff only friends could. At some point, I even remember
giving him relationship advice on how to go onto my other friend Caroline. The problem is,
during the time that we spent together, I learnt more about Jackson. I found him to be an
exciting person, his behaviors were on point, and the way he cared for the people he loved
drove me closer to him to the point of feeling envious. I am glad that I met Jackson and
appreciate his friendship a lot. I know he went after my friend Caroline first, and I respect his
choice, the thing is, ever since Caroline rejected him, I cannot help but wish that we were
more than just friends. Jackson loves and cares for me, but I am not sure if his love could go
more than a person could love a friend. He is an open-minded person, and his actions towards
me are purely friendship, I do not know if he could give us a chance to be more than just
friends because I care for him and that is all I want. Jackson has no idea that I have more
intimate feelings for him, or even if he does, he has not asked me about it. I really would love
for him to acknowledge my feelings towards him, but I clearly have no idea how to go about
it. To this end, I intend to use the knowledge from the communication class to solve this issue
I am currently facing and make things clear between Jackson and me without ruining the
relationship we already have.
Concepts of Interpersonal development
Solving this problem requires that Jackson and I know where we stand as friends and
make an agreement going forward. I have to make it clear to Jackson that I have an intimate
feeling for him and would like for us to work out as a couple. I also have to be willing to
accept the outcomes of the situation. There are two main ways that I...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.

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