Coastal Currents and Tides Discussion Paper

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Internet Problem 4: Coastal Currents and Tides Part 1: Currents Complete the NOAA Ocean Currents Tutorial and answer the following questions (short answers): Go to: 1) What is a current? 1)2What is the difference between a coastal current and a surface current? 3) What is the role of the Coriolis Effect in controlling ocean and atmospheric currents? 4) What is the global conveyer belt and is it controlled by deep ocean circulation or surface currents (maybe both)? 5) List and explain one historical and one modern method for measuring ocean current. Part 2: Tidal Currents We will be looking at predicted tidal data for Station 9414290 San Francisco Bay, CA Make sure you understand the terms high tide and low tide. Go to: Make sure the view is “Tides/Water Levels” 6) What is the date? 7) What time are the high and low tides predicted for today? (You may read the times as GMT or LST, but be consistent.) 8) What is the expected water level (read water elevation from Datum MSL) of today’s high and low tide? I prefer metric reading(meters) rather than imperial (feet). 9) How does the predicted curve (blue) compare to the observed/preliminary (red) water levels? (To answer this question, you can either look at today’s observed data or yesterday’s observed data.) 10) What is today’s predicted tidal range (tidal range = the difference between the elevation of water at high tide and the elevation of water at low tide)? 11) From the data present from today does San Francisco Bay have a Diurnal, Semidiurnal or Mixed Semidiurnal tidal pattern? 12) From your reading, list two or three factors that might affect the predicted versus observed tidal elevations on a given day? Look at the predictions for tomorrow: 13) Are tomorrow's high tide and low tide predicted for the same times as today high and low tides? (look carefully/closely. 14) If not, why not? (you might find the answer in your reading). Part 3: Hurricane Harvey Storm Surge in the Gulf of Mexico Look at the potential and actual tidal surges for Hurricane Harvey in the Gulf of Mexico. 15) Was the real storm surge higher or lower than the estimates of potential storm surge?

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Internet Problem 4: Coastal Currents and Tides Part 1: Currents Complete the NOAA Ocean Currents Tutorial and answer the following questions (short answers): Go to: 1) What is a current? 1)2What is the difference between a coastal current and a surface current? 3) What is the role of the Coriolis Effect in controlling ocean and atmospheric currents? 4) What is the global conveyer belt and is it controlled by deep ocean circulation or surface currents (maybe both)? 5) List and explain one historical and one modern method for measuring ocean current. Part 2: Tidal Currents We will be looking at predicted tidal data for Station 9414290 San Francisco Bay, CA Make sure you understand the terms high tide and low tide. Go to: Make sure the view is “Tides/Water Levels” 6) What is the date? 7) What time are the high and low tides predicted for today? (You may read the times as GMT or LST, but be consistent.) 8) What is the expected water level (read water elevation from Datum MSL) of today’s high and low tide? I prefer metric reading(meters) rather than imperial (feet). 9) How does the predicted curve (blue) compare to the observed/preliminary (red) water levels? (To answer this question, you can either look at today’s observed data or yesterday’s observed data.) 10) What is today’s predicted tidal range (tidal range = the difference between the elevation of water at high tide and the elevation of water at low tide)? 11) From the data present from today does San Francisco Bay have a Diurnal, Semidiurnal or Mixed Semidiurnal tidal pattern? 12) From your reading, list two or three factors that might affect the predicted versus observed tidal elevations on a given day? Look at the predictions for tomorrow: 13) Are tomorrow's high tide and low tide predicted for the same times as today high and low tides? (look carefully/closely. 14) If not, why not? (you might find the answer in your reading). Part 3: Hurricane Harvey Storm Surge in the Gulf of Mexico Look at the potential and actual tidal surges for Hurricane Harvey in the Gulf of Mexico. 15) Was the real storm surge higher or lower than the estimates of potential storm surge?
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