SEU Programming Integration & Procurement Process Discussion

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Saudi electronic university


Give an example that explains how the procurement process is essential for organizations to create and deliver products and/or services to their customers?

Explain how the SAP ERP system promotes an integrated approach to business processes?

Explain with an example how Master data differs from Transaction data?

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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Running head: Integration

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Procurement process
Organizations should always consider the distribution of products and services to their
customer. It is essential because; carrying out the whole process enables the organization to set
up a centralized point of procurement that will involve production and management performed
one location in an organization (Anuar, 2015). The organization will ensure a short production
lead time, which will ensure customer satisfaction. The centralized point will also ensure
working closely with the customers and holding all documents that pertain to their agreements,
such as invoices. It will also help the organization to reduce costs such as transport costs where
the organization sets a manufacturing center close to the supply point for their frequent
customers. For example, if a company sells ...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.
