Biology Impact on the Environment Worksheet

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Environmental Resource Assignment. In this assignment you will go to several websites and take quizzes that examine your personal impact on the environment. Copy and paste the results of your quizzes. You DO NOT need to paste the entire environmental quizzes, just paste the results. No pictures needed! I. WATER – How much do we use and where do we get it? Free drinking water is a resource that many people take for granted. Is our current level of water consumption sustainable? What happens if we run out of water, or water becomes too polluted to be safe for consumption? There are two sides to this issue – water consumption and water supply. Go to the websites below and learn about these issue. 1. Calculate your water footprint at • What were your results? 2. Go to the Change the Course Infographic at a. How many gallons of water does the average American use each day? b. How many gallons does it take to make a hamburger plus coffee lunch? c. How does the U.S. water footprint compare to the global average? d. There are four suggestions under “Take the Pledge to conserve water’. Which of these suggestions are you willing to take? 3. Go to the St. Johns Water Management District webpage at Click on the drop-down Menu. Click on Water Conservation Click on Home Water Use Survey Take the “Interactive home water use survey”. a. How much water do you use in your home? b. Outside your home? You can learn more about water conservation at http://www.jea.comand 4. Explore the water conservation tips found at • List 5 tips that you are willing to follow. II. FOOD WASTE – Much of the food that’s produced ends up not being eaten. This wastes many resources, including land, water and energy for food production, transportation and preparation, and disposal. How much do you know about food waste? 5. Go to • What was your score? Preventing food waste is one of the most effective ways to shrink your environmental footprint. Which of these things are you (a) already doing or (b) willing to try? 1. Buy only what you will eat, and learn to love leftovers! 2. Wasting less food begins at the grocery store. Try this motto on for size: “Buy what you need, and eat what you buy.” 3. Planning is the key to a successful, sustainable shopping trip. Think through meals in advance and bring a list to cut down on impulse purchases. 4. Don’t shop hungry. 5. Move it front and center—Keep leftovers and prepped produce in clear containers in the front of your fridge so you don’t forget about them. 6. Eat these first—Designate a bin or shelf for food that needs to be eaten within a week. 7. Shop your fridge—Cook or eat what you have at home before buying more. 8. Buy frozen foods. They last longer and taste just as good. 9. Throw meat, seafood, and bread into the freezer (instead of the trash) when you can’t consume them by their expiration dates. 10. Buy frozen seafood instead of fresh. Most seafood is frozen on the boat and during shipping, only to be thawed for retail display. Purchasing seafood while it’s still frozen and cooking it from frozen helps maintain its quality longer. 11. Use wilted fruits for smoothies, and wilted veggies and meat scraps for soup. III. ENERGY USE – What are the side effects of our love of the convenience that electricity provides, and our dependence upon automobile for transportation? Using fossil fuels to obtain energy releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which has been linked with climate change and ocean acidification. 6. Go to • How big is your carbon footprint in pounds of CO2 per year? You can read more at 7. Go to At the end of the quiz, how much would you save in a. pounds of CO2 per year b. money 8. Go to the Global Footprint Network at Go to “What is your impact? Click on Calculate Now! and take the quiz. • How many planets would we need if everyone in the world lived like you? 9. Go to Under Our Work, click on Click Results. So far this year, a. how many square feet of land have been preserved due to click? b.. Acres preserved? 10. Go to (Jacksonville's electric company). Go to the Search box and type Energy Myths. Click on Managing Consumption. Scroll down to Hidden Factors That Affect your Bill Click on Phantom Loads. a. List the phantom loads that you have in your home. Click on Energy Myths b. List the energy myths that you thought were true. Go to to answer the questions below. 11. Click on "Find a car” then find your car. (If you don’t have a car, use the car of someone you know. Give the following information: a. Make, model and year of car b. Miles per gallon for city highway combined driving c. Annual Fuel Cost 12. Now pick the car of your dreams (money is no object, yee!). Give the same information. a. Make, model and year of car b. Miles per gallon for city highway combined driving c. Annual Fuel Cost 13. Click on “Save Money and Fuel” then on “Gas Mileage Tips.” • List 5 gas-conservation methods that you use or are willing to start using.
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Biology: Impact on the Environment
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Biology: Impact on the Environment
This study seeks to examine my personal impact on the environment. It will entail taking quizzes
from various websites and writing down the results.
Water Footprint
Household water usage per day

958 Gallons/Day
2,875 Gallons/Day
Average gallons consumed by an average American
Number of gallons it takes to make a hamburger plus
coffee lunch
Compare the U.S. footprint to the global average

The U.S. footprint is 2X the global
instead of thirst...

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