Fundação Getulio Vargas Stigma of Mental Problem Essay

User Generated



Fundacao Getulio Vargas


I want the topic to be stigma of mental problem i guess and can u focus more on the argument and Birmingham

i don't need a bibliography , just the essay but i want a rough one in like 10 hours if u can do that, and 4 pages for the final essay

like 2 pages for rough draft or a little bit less and 5 to 6 sources for the final draft

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer




Stigma of Mental Problem
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Stigma of Mental Problem
Mental problems are disorders that affect how we think, feel, our mood, and behave.
These conditions vary as they may be occasional or long-lasting and are disposed to transform
our relationships with others. The inclination of stigmatization is attributed to the attitude
initiated towards those suffering the identified condition (Stringer, Marotta, Baker, Turan,
Kempf, Drentea, & Turan, 2019). The paper takes a curative measure to discuss how the effects
brought about by stigmatization affects the population, especially the African American
community. Technically, the essay points to approaches that must be conducted to help those
suffering from mental problems feel like part of society. The article develops an argumentative
analysis that considers various avenues that indicate that mental health problems can be

controlled significantly by employing a language that does not evoke feelings of being blamed or
being judged by the population.
Stigma of Mental Problem
Stigmatization of those suffering mental problems is a prospect that has been identified to
contribute to the heightening of the issue that requires immediate attention. Stringer, Marotta,
Baker, Turan, Kempf, Drentea, & Turan (2019) shows that various institutions are on the
forefront to try and mitigate this issue, for instance, Birmingham is leading in encouraging
people to comprehend that it is okay to seek help. The abuse that is levied on individuals
suffering mental problems needs to stop since this is depriving them of the chance and space to
live fully exploiting every adventure. Various developments have indicated that people do not
find it easy to seek help as they feel the aspect of being judged or even being looked down upon

due to their condition (Hankir, Khalil, Wadood, Madarbukus, Yunus, Bibi, & Zaman, 2017).
When one is stigmatized, they lack the morale even to make individual decisions that may
constitute moral value. Self-doubt is initiated, and a lot of questions are raised in the face of
According to Wagstaff, Graham, Farrell, Larkin, & Nettle (2018), the African American
community is mainly affected by stigmatization where they find it difficult to accept that they
suffer from the condition and need to seek medical attention. This is common among college
students as they incur a lot of stress throughout their studies. To overcome this case, one must
take curative measures to recognize the existence of the mental problem to understand how to
tackle it. As opposed to when one is not aware of the condition and its effects, the case of
awareness initiates avenues that outline the significance of seeking medical attention while
ignoring and understanding that stigma does not have value in one’s life. Stigmatization arises
from the prospect of daily stress and the perception laid on the African American community
primarily. Despite not choosing to suffer mental problems, one is subjected to stigmatization by
the rest of the community that might pretend to care. There must be active developments to
protect our loved ones from this prospect.
From various observations, anyone will find it difficult to decide their psychiatric illness
publicly. This is evident through the proliferation of experiencing stigmatization when you
choose to go clean. From the few cases of stigmatization that society has experienced,
individuals with mental problems have resorted to staying silent concerning their condition as
they do not want to be subjected to similar occurrences. It is difficult for the junior members of
the society to talk of their conditions when the senior members and even those that hold
significant positions find it difficult to address the matter publicly. You will find that a group,




including doctors, politicians, military officers, and lawyers, among others choosing to stay silent
concerning their mental problems (Henderson, Robinson, Evans-Lacko, & Thornicroft, 2017). It
can be attributed to the prospect that such a population is reluctant as they consider their
professional and personal reprisals vital than their health. Nonetheless, the cases concerning
mental problems are significantly dropping since other people have decided to talk about them
Michaels, López, Rüsch, & Corrigan (2017) argue that today there are medications, and it
is not necessary to get embarrassed or stigmatized as a result of mental health issues. From this
measure alone, a source of comfort and solace is developed where people with such conditions
can relate and share ideas that help them deal with daily challenges. It is paramount that people
make themselves aware of mental problems to know how to deal with such conditions. It can be
related to the common cold, and this is not a sign of weakness as indicated by various therapeutic
initiations. To improve one's mental problem, it has been identified that the attribute of
considering one's lifestyle is necessary. As you will take into account your diet, sleep routine,
and exercise when suffering a physical health condition, these measures can be employed into
the concept of dealing with mental issues that come with stigmatization. Through feeding the
mind positive ideas, stigmatization is escaped, which critically improves anyone's health that
suffers the identified problems.
When one seeks attention, it must be understood that this does not weaken their image. It
contributes to self-recovery where one finds a foothold of their real personality and how far they
can go in the face of not only dealing with mental problems but also other issues that encompass
life. Every member of the society that feels the symptoms or suffers any mental condition is
advised to seek attention from any relevant institution that offers help when it comes to


psychiatric conditions. It is essential to understand that by seeking care, you reduce the chances
of contracting any dangerous and other opportunistic diseases that may be attracted by the
condition (Wagstaff, Graham, Farrell, Larkin, & Nettle, 2018). Exhibiting symptoms that make
you not want to do certain things can be said to be conditions associated with health. One might
not feel right or the need of attending invitations despite appearing to be healthy, this is a sign
that must be taken into consideration and medication sought, or any ot...

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