DePaul University Abolishment of Intermission in Hollywood Question

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Business Finance

DePaul University


  1. Summarize the video,
  2. Summarize the theory and important concepts you are using from your theory and method(this is just a summary of the what Foss said about the theory and an explanation of the steps you followed in doing your cluster analysis,
  3. Explain how the relevant concepts from the theory and method apply to the video (this should be the longest part of your paper). This section should be where you demonstrate how the theory helps us to understand how the text communicates, how the text constructs its message, and/or how it might influence its audience, and
  4. Evaluate how your analysis helps us better understand this video, theory, and/or method,
  5. Cite your sources properly according to APA format in the text of your paper and on a reference page.

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Cluster Criticism
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Cluster Criticism

Globalization has fostered increased diversity, making multiculturalism a topic that
people today cannot avoid when expressing themselves. The different ways that people use
words illustrate their values and depict their willingness to embrace diversity. Rhetoric criticism
is among the ways that people can examine the ways that people perceive multiculturalism and
embrace diversity in society. Through rhetoric criticism, a rhetor can identify American values
and appreciate the diversity that exists across the country. Various marketers have used rhetorical
strategies to advocate for inclusivity and urge Americans to celebrate diversity in society.
Among these marketers is the Coca-Cola corporation, which developed a Super Bowl
commercial in 2014 to celebrate America’s diversity (Cause Marketing, 2017). The company
used rhetorical strategies to convey the idea that America’s beauty lies in the brotherhood of
Americans irrespective of their diverse beliefs.
The commercial illustrates the ways that marketers use rhetorical st...

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