GLY 2030 Sinhgad Colleg of Engineering Lab Report

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GLY 2030

SInhgad Colleg of engineering



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Name Student # HW8: Earthquakes-1 (20 pts) What is the difference between the hypocenter and epicenter of an earthquake? Which one can be mapped on the surface of Earth? On the seismogram below, identify the surface wave, P-wave, and S-wave wave arrivals: The distance from the epicenter is proportional to what time difference seen on this seismogram? According to the Moment-Magnitude scale, the magnitude of an earthquake is related to the seismic moment. What three physical things determine the seismic moment when a fault slips to produce an earthquake?* *HINT: make sure you’ve watched the IRIS video embedded in your reading! Now use these same ideas to measure the S-P lag time for seismograms from the following locations. Note the time of day given on the x-axis. Write the lag time on each seismogram—you will use these in class Copy your answers onto this page, which you will TEAR OFF and use during the in-class activity:
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Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

Hello, thank you very much for your patience. I have completed the assignment as per the instruction request. It will be my great pleasure if you release the fund and give me a five star. However, I will also be available in case of any clarification and adjustment. Regards


Outline: Earthquakes
Answering the question of the difference between hypocenter and epicenter.
Identifying the S-wave, P-wave, and Surface wave on the diagram.

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