Business Offering Blogging Paper

User Generated


Business Finance


  • Create a blog on your chosen product or service to bring about awareness to your business.
  • Include 400-500 words in your Blog that will bring about awareness to your business and engage your readers.

I will send you the company name and type of business in a secure message once the assignment is accepted.

Explanation & Answer:
400 words
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Explanation & Answer


Content Writing
We are pleased to invite you to our blog and to introduce you to our business offering.
We are A Little Extra Part & Events, a company that specializes in events and party planning.
Our company is highly experienced in events and party planning. You should feel confident
and assured of excellent services from our team of professionals who hold years of experience
in this profession.
We offer the following services and products.
➢ Event and party planning services. Our company helps in planning different elements of an
event, including a venue, budget, and logistics, among others.
➢ Consultancy services...

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