UNV 506 Grand Canyon University Health Care Issue Essay

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Health Medical


Using your research and the rough draft from Topics 2 and 3, compose a 750-1,000 word essay on a current issue relevant to your program of study (health care administration, health informatics, or public health). Clearly explain the context or background of the issue; the impact the topic or issue has on health, health care, or the professional field; and a proposal for how the issue could be successfully resolved. Support your opinions with evidence found in your research.

To prepare the final paper, revise the rough draft you prepared in Topic 3 to incorporate feedback. The final essay should demonstrate the qualities of sound academic writing and incorporate three to five relevant, scholarly sources from the GCU Library.

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Running head: CANCER RESEARCH 1 Cancer research Cordell King UNV-506 02/11/2020 Professor Williams CANCER RESEARCH 2 Cancer Research Cancer research is a study that aims at developing effective methods to prevent, treat, diagnose, and advance immunotherapy to cure cancer ultimately. Cancer is uncontrollable, and abnormal cell growth and division also referred to malignancy (Ko & Kim, 2019). Governments and non-governmental organizations support cancer research. This paper will explore cancer research, the types of cancer research, and the reason. Cancer research is done to bring a better understanding of the illness as it has currently been a threat to the health of individuals globally. It encompasses different types and interdisciplinary areas that aid us in collecting extensive knowledge about the biological processes that involve in the development of the illness (Ringborg, 2019). Cancer is a group of the disease, each requiring a unique treatment procedure, and hence cancer research aims to discover the specific treatment for the different conditions (Nath, 2016). Every progress made in the study helps us move one step forward towards diminishing the tremendous human and financial struggles of cancer. Since cancer is very complex and dynamic, cancer research is cyclic and ongoing, where most recent discoveries build upon earlier observations and findings. Nath (2016) confirmed that the Collaboration of different groups helps improve cancer research to provide effective results. Primary research is on a foundational level provides scientific principles and mechanism is crucial in cancer research (Ringborg, 2019). It is the preclinical research. It helps individuals understand the beginning of cancer, its progressive development, and how it spreads. CANCER RESEARCH The scientific findings are transformed into concepts applicable in clinical practice for the treatment and prevention of cancer in translation research. It also involves elucidation of the development and progression. Another type of cancer research is clinical research. It is devoted to the application of patient treatment by the development of pharmaceuticals, surgical procedures, and medical technologies. Nath (2016) affirmed that this type of research helps us understand how individuals respond to the medication and how best they can be improved. Also, population research is a type of cancer research that helps us understand the patterns and effects of the disease in a defined group (Ringborg, 2019). It helps individuals determine the areas that need improved cancer care facilities. The researchers assess the cancer mortality rate in a field, and the accessibility of cancer care facilitates the Collaboration of the four types of cancer research is very useful. It helps us curb the effects of cancer in society. Oncologists are individuals who major in cancer research. They significant in three areas, which are medical, surgical, and radiation, where they use the known current treatment and new approach combination to provide the most effective treatment. Cancer research is a valid defense mechanism against cancer, and investing in it brings excellent societal and economic returns, which are essential at improving lives (Nath, 2016). Patients are involved in the research, and their considerations in the study are upheld. Cancer research also helps in the development of improved cancer pain and symptoms management practices. The palliative researcher has improved the survival rates of individuals living with cancer and reducing the death rates due to the disease and improved the quality of life of cancer victims’ individuals (Ko & Kim, 2019). 3 CANCER RESEARCH To sum up, we appreciate the cancer research involves the study of detection and prevention, scientific understanding, curative treatment, and even response to treatment. Basic, transitional, clinical, and population and palliative research are part of the cancer research (Nath, 2016). These types of research collaborate to bring the most effective cancer treatment procedure, pain, and symptom management practices, and cancer care access facilities to improve the quality of lives of individuals. 4 CANCER RESEARCH 5 References Ko, Y. J., Kim, W. J., Kim, K., & Kwon, I. C. (2019). Advances in the strategies for designing receptor-targeted molecular imaging probes for cancer research. Journal of Controlled Release, 305, 1-17. Nath, S., & Devi, G. R. (2016). Three-dimensional culture systems in cancer research: Focus on tumour spheroid model. Pharmacology & therapeutics, 163, 94-108. Ringborg, U. (2019). Translational cancer research–a coherent cancer research continuum. Molecular Oncology, 13(3), 517-520.
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Health Care Issue: Juvenile Cancer


Health Care Issue: Juvenile Cancer

Leukemia is the most common cancer form that affects children. The parts of the body in
children that get affected by cancer are similar to those in adults but with some differences.
Cancer in children does not, in most cases, show early symptoms, but when diagnosed, the rate
of being cured is higher than in adults. Other types of cancers that are known to affect children
are lymphoma, tumors in the brain among others. Some signs of these cancers include fever,
swelling, and lumps that are unusual, changes in vision, body pain, among others. In relation to
the field of health informatics, information systems that exist in health care organizations get
used by experts to analyze and organize information relating to the management and treatment of
cancer in children as well as use the data from research carried out to establish ways in which
cancer in children can be handled by both the patients, physicians and caregivers among other
professionals in the field. Health informatics focuses on the resources needed in the management
of cancer in children (Høybye et al., 2018). This paper focuses on the impact of juvenile cancer
on health care. For instance, the impact of the existing clinical protocols on cancer management
among children and ...

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