Geology Summary

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Question Description

I'm working on a geology multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

I would like you to read the Geo Focus 18.1 (pg. 465  on building a "dinochicken".  Provide a brief (3-4 sentence) summary of what you read, plus answer the following questions:  How do you go about building a "dinochicken"?  Why would we want to build a "dinochicken"?  Is there value in this kind of genetic manipulation, and if so, what might that value be?  What about drawbacks?  Do you think that Jurassic Park (as in the books and movies) is a realistic possibility?  One to one and a half double-spaced, 12 point font pages is expected here. Be sure to include APA references as well as in-text source citations.You will lose three points if you do not include reference and one point if your references are not formatted according to APA guidelines.Your responses to these questions should thoroughly address each one.

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Explanation & Answer

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Geology Question

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Chicken and all other birds descended from dinosaurs, and as descendants, they retain genes that,
if reactivated, may retain these features by a process called atavism reactivation. All features are
present in the developing embryo, but the genes controlling these features have been switched
off. Scientists are attempting to reactivate these genes, not trying to change the basic heredity but
to intervene in the developmental process.

Geology Question
How do you go about building a "Dino chicken"?
You must first obtain a chicken embryo. Essentially, you have an underdeveloped egg th...

Yvapbyiva (21406)

Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
