Geology Questions

User Generated




answer these questions 1-2 sentences works or just a few words nothing too long keep it brief

1. Briefly explain the difference between the tectonic setting of shield areas during the Precambrian and since the onset of the Phanerozoic

2. During the Hadean, how long was the length of a day on Earth? Why?

3. the Ediacaran fauna include representatives of the modern phyla _______

4. The Precambrian history of Earth is difficult to determine - why is that?

5. There is chemical evidence that life appeared by ________ and fossils by ________. (Looking for years before present, how long ago)

6. Besides the origin of life itself, what was the most significant biological event of the Archean?

7. No rocks are known for the first _________ years of Earth history.

8. What are prokaryotic organisms?

9. What are time divisions in the Precambrian based on?

10. What do the Ediacaran fauna represent, and why are they important?

11 .What does the appearance of red beds in the geologic record indicate about the atmosphere?

12 .What factor(s) led to the enormous scale of banded iron deposition during the Proterozoic?

13. What two processes, which began during the Archean, can account for the introduction of free oxygen into the atmosphere?

14. Which factors played a role in the development of early life?

15.Why is it believed that cyanobacteria must have been preceded by even simpler organisms?

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.all done

1. Briefly explain the difference between the tectonic setting of shield areas
during the Precambrian and since the onset of the Phanerozoic

As for the Precambrian age, the details of the tectonic plate movements of this age
are known approximately. It is assumed that, 1 billion years ago, most of the
continental masses were aggregated into a single supercontinent called Rodinia that
began to divide about 600 million years ago.

As for the Phanerozoic era, during that period there was but is still ongoing today, a
complex movement of continental masses as a result of Plate Tectonics. From the
fragmentation of the 'very ancient Precambrian supercontinent Rodinia, there came,
during the Permian-Triassic a new union of the emerged masses into a Supercontinent
called Pangaea, which then split again to give rise to the present continental masses

2. During the Hadean, how long was the length of a day on Earth? Why? During
this period a day lasted only 4 hours because the Moon was much closer to that.
3. the Ediacaran fauna include representatives of the modern phyla _______
Annelida, Arthropoda, and Cnidaria

4. The Precambrian history of Earth is difficult to determine - why is that?...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.

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