Online Map of Earthquakes Worksheet

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a) Write a 750 word report on Critical Mineral resources. Answer the following questions in that report.

What critical mineral resources? What products are they used for? What critical minerals are found in Nova Scotia? What have been their harmful environmental impacts of mining these minerals? How can we manage them in a more sustainable way

Style: A full, origin piece of writing, fully referenced (in text referencing using APA format). At least 5 references.

b) answering the map activity

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Module #4 Mapping Activity Online Map of Earthquakes Visit The ArcOnline Map of Recent Earthquakes . Recent Earthquakes - Overview ( Open in Map Viewer. 1. Pan and zoom the map to British Columbia, Canada List the 3 recent earthquakes just north of Victoria on Vancouver Island. List Location, Seismic Magnitude and Mercalli Intensity Scale (click on dot or point locations then look through multiple pages of information) 2. Using the following static map Plate Tectonics Map - Plate Boundary Map ( identify what two plates (because of their movement) are likely causing the Vancouver Island earthquakes 3. Pan around the World and using the Legend, find an Earthquake that was a Magnitude 6.0 or greater. List the location, Seismic Magnitude, whether a Tsunami warming was issued, and Meracalli Intensity Scale. 4. Why are there some earthquakes in the mid of the Atlantic Ocean? 5. Using the following website, The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale | U.S. Geological Survey ( Review the Mercalli Intensity Scale What level to people notice or feel the earthquake? What level is there damage to some buildings?
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750 Words
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Geology Question

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Geology Question
Critical mineral resources are those minerals that are essential to the functioning of a
modern economy and society, but for which there is no adequate substitute. They are typically
used in very small quantities, but their importance to the economy and society is out of proportion
to their abundance. Canada is a world leader in the production of many critical minerals, including
potash, uranium, diamonds, and rare earths. Canada also has significant reserves of other critical
minerals, such as aluminum, cobalt, copper, gold, iron ore, lead, silver, and zinc. The Canadian
government recognizes the importance of critical minerals to the economy and has taken steps to
ensure that the country has a secure supply of them. The government has also established programs
to help Canadian companies develop and bring to market new and innovative products that use
critical minerals (Karim et al., 2018).
There are a number of critical mineral resources used in a variety of products. These
minerals include rare earth metals, precious metals, and strategic minerals. Rare earth metals are
used in a number of high-tech products, including computer memory, flat-panel displays, hybrid
cars, and wind turbines. They are also used in military applications, such as guidance systems and
night-vision goggles. Precious metals, such as gold and silver, have a long history of being used
as currency, jewelry, and in other decorative applications. They are also used in a number of
industrial applications, such as in electrical contacts and conductors, catalysts, and pigments.
Strategic minerals are those that are essen...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.

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