Week 9 General Chemistry Aspirin Prelab Questions

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Week 9 Aspirin Prelab 1. Balance the equation for the synthesis of Aspirin. _____C4H603 + Acetic Anhydride _____C7H6O3 -> Salicylic Acid _____C9H8O4 + Aspirin _____C2H4O2 Acetic Acid 2. Calculate the Molar Mass of each of the compounds listed. Compound Acetic Anhydride Salicylic Acid Aspirin Acetic Acid Molar Mass 3. What is the equation for percent yield? 4. Define Theoretical Yield 5. During the preparation of aspirin, a student attempts to determine how much aspirin she has made. She looks back at her data: Mass Flask Mass Flask and Salicylic Acid (SA) Mass SA Mas Envelope + Filter paper Mass of Envelope, Filter Paper, and Aspirin Mass of Aspirin 75.86 77.88 36.63 38.29 a. What is the mass of Salicylic Acid? b. What is the theoretical yield of aspirin in moles for this reaction of salicylic acid is the limiting reagent? Refer to the appendix c. Convert the theoretical yield of aspirin in moles to grams. Name: ________________________ Roster #: ________ Day/Time of Lab: __________________ Week 9 Aspirin Prelab Answer Sheet 1. Balance the equation for the synthesis of Aspirin. _____C4H603 + Acetic Anhydride _____C7H6O3 Salicylic Acid -> _____C9H8O4 Aspirin + _____C2H4O2 Acetic Acid 2. Calculate the Molar Mass of each of the compounds listed. Compound Acetic Anhydride Salicylic Acid Aspirin Acetic Acid Molar Mass 3. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Show work for b and c. a. ______________ g b. ______________ moles c. ______________ g
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Finished! Please find your completed Pre-lab attached. The work for the final two questions (b and c) is located in a picture on the next page so that you can receive full credit. Please take a look and let me know if you have any qu...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.
