HUMA 1315 Central Texas College Visual Art Essay

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HUMA 1315

Central Texas College



Essay – ACTS- Stage ‘C”

Write Essay:

Using your academic source/s you will write and submit your essay to the Writing Lab.

Here are the specifics for your essay.

  1. Introduction Paragraph with Thesis Statement as the last sentence in this paragraph
  2. Essay Body: Supporting Arguments to prove your thesis statement
  • use at least 2 in-text citations (ideally 3) with supporting evidence from your stage ‘B’ approved academic/scholarly(textbook or library journal article source/s and properly document with any necessary quotation marks (these 2 may not be used for definitions, dates, nor artwork reference only)) Supporting information= some part of your connection and/or contribution (for example evidence supporting why a societal contribution in this area is needed, some visual art which would meet this need in some way, evidence to support the connection itself, etc.
  • include visual artist born after 1900.
  • Add an Artwork Title in correct MLA for extra credit (do not attach or include the actual images of the artwork!)
  1. Conclusion (3+ sentences) Take a summary sentence from each of the body paragraph as it directly relates to your thesis

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Explanation & Answer:
500 words
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Explanation & Answer




Student Name
Application of Visual Art Content
Semiosis is an activity or process that incorporates signs in different facets, including as a
means of creating meaning within a particular context. The subject of semiotics, therefore,
encompasses both sociological and anthropological aspects in any society to create a unique
sense that finds relevance in the context of the historical use of items. Examples of works that
constitute form part of the vast array of visual arts are ceramics, drawings, designs, sculptures,
and photography. The widespread use of visual arts in different spheres of life, ranging from
transportation to tourism, is a testament to the immense power that this field exerts in society.
Consequently, the benefits of this craft can be put into good use at the local level to assist the
community. Borrowing from the influence of Raghubir Singh, Visual arts is the best way of
imparting knowledge to the young children while simultaneously encouraging them to embrace
their talents and business acumen.
The Influence of Visual Arts
Incorporating visual arts into typical learning programs for children in school would
enhance their learning experiences. Art is a very vital aspect of children's lives, and it shapes
their understanding at different stages of life....

Awesome! Perfect study aid.

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