Week 6 Claim and Hypotheses Paper

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This week's assignments for all teams update and supersede the currently posted syllabus. The syllabus will be updated shortly to reflect this change. Assignments 1. Enter Rise competition 1.1 Each team (1, 2, 3) needs to register for RISE. (2 group points). https://myrise.nu/#/ 1.2 Using Campus Tool Wiki, each group needs to create a Wiki called Abstract. (5 group points primary response by Thursday, 11:59 PM EST 1.3. Revise Campus Tool Wiki Abstract based on my comments (5 group points secondary response by Saturday, 11:59 PM EST) 1.4. Submit RISE competition Abstract to MyRise using the information below https://www.northeastern.edu/rise/presenters/ (5 group points secondary response by Sunday, 11:59 PM EST) AND finally email me a copy of confirmation of your submission, or screenshot, if confirmation is not available. 2.Literature Review section (One primary and two secondary responses) Your objective here is to expand your review of literature as necessary to support your hypotheses, methods, and data collection ideas. Specifically, examine 1. Your claims and hypotheses for the testable propositions. Have these propositions already been tested? What were the conclusions? What are the expected signs for the relationships? 2. Your proposed methods. Have your methods been used for a similar problem? What limitations aroise? In summary, how were they handled technically? 3. Regarding the data you want to use, has this data been used for similar research by others? 4. If you are proposing novel approaches, have similar approaches been used for related problems or for different problems? 2.1 Using Campus Tool Wiki, for primary assignment create content for the literature review section. During primary response, you may divide the scope of the literature review contributions with your teammate to avoid duplication. Due by Thursday, 11:59 PM EST (5 individual points) (Team 1, Team 2, Team 3) 2.2. First secondary response: Provide editorial comments on your teammate's comments (Team 1 and Team 2). Team 3: respond to my comments. 2.3. Second secondary response: Join individual sections and integrate for a common submission for Literature Review Section. Due by Sunday, 11:59 PM EST (Team 1, Team 2, Team 3) 3. Preliminary Outline for Data section (One primary group response, due by Sunday 11:59 PM EST, 10 group points) Your objective here is to much more specific that in the proposal. By now, you have a good idea of general and specific data sources, but you may not have explored the limitations of the data sources. This outline assignment prepares for the real task of finding data, by a) finding a concrete means of getting the data you want to get, b) testing the adequacy of the data you intend, c) finding alternative data if the main dataset is not adequate. Since the deadlines coincide with the Literature Review, you may consider the time constraint and organizational choices to do both. 3.1 Using Campus Tool Wiki create outline of data used for research. (Team 1, Team 2, Team 3) Be specific: 3.1.1.a) What data is used for your primary independent variables' analysis (what various types and sources of text data, financial data, monitoring data, as applicable). b) What time frame are using? c) What data frequency? 3.1.2. a) What data is used for your outcomes (typically should be Flow of Funds choices of individual sectoral agents, e.g. levels/flows of portfolios.) b) What time frame are using? c) What data frequency? 3.1.3 a) What data is used by your control variables (e.g. macroeconometric conditions)? What time frame are using? c) What data frequency? 3.1.4 To be sure that you are identifying stress/sentiment that is distinct from consumer optimism, for example, what are the alternative variables that you want to include to strengthen the case for your latent construct? You may want to investigate appropriate choices among https://fred.stlouisfed.org/searchresults/?st=sentiment and https://www.quandl.com/search?filters=%5B%22Free%22%5D&query=Sentiment. (5 extra points for creativity in finding additional sources e.g. through Snell library).
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Week 6 Assignment Wiki



Claim and Hypotheses

The Claim in this article is that the retail sector has a great role to play towards the
development and economic growth of society. One major claim about the role of the retail sector
in society is the stabilization of prices of consumer goods. As a result, the retail sector
determines the expenses that consumers incur in the prevailing market. This sector also plays the
role of creating financial stability, thereby alleviating the level of poverty in society. The retail
sector also provides a place for monetary circulation since a significant portion of the income
which households spend on their basic needs and necessities are injected in the retail sector.
Supermarket chains play a critical role in the sustainability of the retail sector since they can
manage to offer their goods and services at low prices and still manage to make profits by taking
advantage of the economies of scale.
There is no doubt that the health of the retail sector determines the economic growth and
development of a country's financial sector because it is one of the points of household
consumption, which provides an avenue for the free circulation of currency in the economy.
Besides, the ability of the retail sector to meet the needs of the general population at the lowest
cost possible has a great significance to society. As such, exploring any topic that focuses on the
strategies of improving their sustainability is important for governments and the consumers as
well. Therefore, any instability in the financial sector and challenges facing the economy directly
affects the retail sector. Such economic stress may force even large retailers like Walmart to
downscale their workforce and even close down their stores and outlets despite their financial
stability (Hamza & Nazim, 2016). Many retail chains have been forced to close down their
operations due to the financial challenges they face in the industry. Some retail chains have been
unable to cope with the dynamic shifts in economic conditions, forcing them to exit the industry
never to revive their operations again.



Whenever a retail sector is restructuring its operation to remain afloat in a tough financial
situation, the retail chain always targets the less profitable outlet. Retailers know ...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.
