Toronto University Film Discussion

User Generated



Toronto university


You should answer one of the following questions (although you may discuss topics that are tangentially related to the question if you find them interesting). You can answer the same question in two responses, but you should not answer the same one for all three.

1. Identify two or three key aesthetic elements of the film (aspects of sound, mise-enscène, cinematography, editing, or narrative structure). First, describe the element(s) as precisely as you can. Use technical terms if you know them, and if you don’t, simply be as precise with your adjectives as you can be. Second, state how the aesthetics affect the story. For example, the same story may have quite a different impact in a slow-paced film than in a fast-paced film.

4. What kind of an audience does the film appear to have been made for? For example, does it seem to be accessible to an international audience, or does it make assumptions that the audience will have certain, specific cultural or historical knowledge? Does it speak to all ages, or is it addressed specifically to adults? Does it address an audience with a lot of institutionalized education, or a less formally educated audience? Give evidence of specific moments in the film or specific aspects of the film.

Film name is Wadjda and it is rentable on YouTube for $4 and iTunes for $5

Explanation & Answer:
500 words
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Explanation & Answer

Here you go, let me know if you need any edit

Running head: FILM ANALYSIS.


Film Analysis: Wadjda
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation



The movie, “Wadjda”, has several interesting aesthetic elements; however, the most vital
I think are the cinematography and the sound as used in the movie. In regards to cinematography,
the movie employs a realist approach used in film that are location shooting, using natural light,
and performances. These attributes are portrayed in the opening sequence of the movie. The
initial scene begins with shots of feet wearing very light dancing ...

Just the thing I needed, saved me a lot of time.
