Delgado Community College Geology Field Trip Discussion

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Delgado Community College


i need help with a geology field trip exercises. there are 5 questions to be answered. Also explain what you learned and why it is interestng.


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Field Trip 1. Where did you choose to visit to learn more about geology? 2. What was the coolest thing you saw? 3. What was the most interesting thing you learned? 4. What was your favorite part of the experience? 5. What was something you learned about the impact of geology?
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Explanation & Answer:
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Where did you choose to visit to learn more about geology?

On my trip to learn more about geology, I visited the Mattmark dam in Switzerland. The Mattmark dam is
the largest earth dam in Europe used to generate electricity. The spot is fascinating for its wild location and its
technical details. The area around Mattmark Dam offers many options for people fascinated by the earth, its
structures, evolution, and natural energy resources. Geology investigates the processes that have happened to
shape the earth. The Mattmark has a lot of history and things to learn from. For instance, in the basement of the
dam lies the Monte Rosa massif, composed mainly of the old crystalline basement, which can be examined to
deduce the emplacement kinematics.
2. What was the coolest thing you s...

I was stuck on this subject and a friend recommended Studypool. I'm so glad I checked it out!
