UDC Ethics Essay

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University of the District of Columbia


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Requirements - Your responses should be approximately the word total suggested for each of the five questions. Suggestions are approximate (give or take 20%); do not obsess about hitting these numbers exactly. The text must be double spaced printed on one side, with 1.5" left/right margins, pages stapled together. NOTE: there's a 1/3 letter grade penalty for noncompliance with each underlined factor. For a heading on the paper use whatever you like as long as your name included. Use whatever font, type size, etc., you like. You must bring the paper to the class on Tuesday the 11th during class time. Alternatively, if you can't be in class, you must have someone else turn it in on your behalf. For example, you may email it to a classmate and have them print and submit it (or you may have anyone else bring it to class) If you do not turn in a paper during class time (or have one turned in on your behalf) on Tuesday the 11th, you will receive an F for the test. Instructions: Answer all questions as a good Utilitarian Questions 1. In learning about Utilitarianism, we found that followers of the theory have noted many points to like about it. We discussed several of these admired qualities in class. For your part, choose two such aspects, and if you also find them attractive, explain why. And if you don't explain why not. (answer in approximately 100 words) 2. Related to the first question, we also learned about several of the problems that critics have alleged with utilitarianism. One issue is particular is perhaps the greatest problem." Utilitarians respond with several replies concerning this alleged problem. Discuss the defenses, say what you think is the strongest and why. (answer in approx. 100 wds) 3. In the Mill "Reading," he relates several objections to Utilitarianism that had been made by his critics. One was that it makes men cold and unfeeling, and lessens their sympathies towards others. Explain Mill's general reply to this objection, and what he said was one of Utiliarianism's strengths (100 words) 4. In another part of the Mill excerpt, Mill replies to the objection by critics that Utilitarianism is too demanding in the sense that it takes too much time, too much calculating and weighing, etc. How did Mill respond to this objection? Explain this counter-argument back against the objection (100 wds) 5. In the excerpt from the Singer article we read, Singer considers a couple of objections to the position he takes. Discuss the 2nd objection to his position, what Singer has to say about it, and explain why he dis disses that objection
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5 Questions
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Running head: ETHICS


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In learning about utilitarianism, we found that the followers of the theory have noted many
points to like about it. We discussed several of these admitted qualities in class. For your
part, choose two such aspects, and if you also find them attractive, explain why. And if you
do not tell why not.
One of the most persuasive qualities of utilitarianism is that the best action is the one that
produces the highest good to the greatest number of people. I love this point because it
encourages equal treatment of all people by discouraging selfishness and egoism. This point
teaches the value of thinking for the team and the greater good so that we learn to think not just
for ourselves, but for others. Another point that I find equally attractive is that happiness or
pleasure is the only thing that has intrinsic value. This way, an action is right if it produces
pleasure and wrong if it produces unhappiness.

Related to the first question, we have also learned about several of the problems that critics
have alleged with utilitarianism. One issue, in particular, is perhaps "the greatest
problem". Utilitarians respond with several replies regarding this alleged problem. Discuss
the defenses. Say what you t...

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