Environmental Science Impact of Livestock Production Questions

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ES 1- HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT # 7 ROEDER- WINTER 2020- 4 Questions @ 10 Points EACH= 40 POINTS TOTAL Many of you are aware how much Carbon we emit into the atmosphere due to our energy and transportation choices. Carbon and carbo equivalents are Greenhouse gases. In assignment # 4, you learned how our fossil fuel energy choices contribute to climate change and rising sea levels. You will dig deeper into that in HW # 7 this week. I am going to bet many of you have no idea how our food choices contribute to climate change. The foods we eat as a society have a more damaging and lasting effect on the atmosphere and global climate change than ALL OF THE CARS ON THE ROAD! Hard to believe, right? If you are a meat eater, you are contributing to Climate Change. The more people that eat meat- in particular, livestock raised for food, the more GHGs we are emitting into the atmosphere. I would be very hypocritical if I told you I didn’t eat meat- I do. BUT, I have cut way back for two reasons: 1) It is healthier to eat more fruit and vegetables, and 2) I understand the impact raising livestock has on the planet. In Assignment # 6, you will learn more about this scientific fact. I am expecting a STRONG PARAGRAPH answer to each question unless it is noted otherwise. 1) According to the LECTURE, The Impacts of Raising Livestock for Food, what are some of the Natural Resources issues associated with raising cattle for food? (Meat, Milk, Cheese). I am expecting a COMPLETE AND STONG PARAGRAPH answer. 2) According to the LECTURE, The Impact of Raising Livestock for Food, what are some of the Greenhouse gases emitted by this industry and what specifically causes them? List the Greenhouse gas and the source. You should be able to come up with a MINIMUM of THREE for EACH. (A Strong paragraph is not required for this question) 3) According to the LECTURE, The Impact of Raising Livestock for Food, Millions of acres of land in the US is used to provide feed for cattle? HOW and WHY is this a problem? I am expecting a STRONG PARAGRAPH answer to this question. 4) In the LECTURE, The Impact of Raising Livestock for Food, there is a statistic that the number of trees removed to support this industry is the size of the US States of Texas and Colorado combined. Why is this an issue? I am expecting a STRONG PARAGRAPH answer to this question The Environmental Impact of Animal Agriculture IMPACTS of Animal Agriculture • Global Climate Change • Excessive Use of Resources Agriculture is one of the largest causes of GreenHouse Gas(GHGs) Animal Agriculture and Water Agriculture and Land What you eat makes a difference! Animal Agriculture and Greenhouse Gases / Climate Change • The Impact of Livestock: – Livestock respiration, land use, and methane contribute more that 51% of all GHGs; transportation is only 13% – If we stopped the use of Fossil Fuels COMPLETELY, we would still exceed our GreenHouse gas emission targets by 2030 – We tend to focus on Carbon Dioxide, but Methane and Nitrous Oxide, while smaller in numbers, are more damaging to the environment • Methane is 25-100 times more damaging than CO2 • Methane has 86 times the Global Warming power of CO2 • Nitrous Oxide has 300 times the Global Warming Power of CO2 GreenHouse Gases • • • • Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Methane (CH4) Nitrous Oxide (NOX) Fluorinated Gases GHG Emissions 2013 Source: EPA Sources of Carbon Dioxide Properties of Carbon Dioxide Chemical Formula CO2 Lifetime in See below* Atmosphere Global Warming Potential (100-year) 1 Sources of Methane Properties of Methane Chemical Formula CH4 Lifetime in 12 years Atmosphere Global Warming Potential (100-year) 28-36 Sources of Nitrous Oxide Properties of Nitrous Oxide Chemical Formula N2O Lifetime in Atmosphere 114 years Global Warming Potential (100-year) 298 To find out more….. • Bite Size Vegan- http://bitesizevegan.com/ • Time Magazine Article- The Triple Whopper Environmental Impact of Global Meat Production http://science.time.com/2013/12/16/the-triplewhopper-environmental-impact-of-global-meat-production/ • Environmental Impact of Industrial Farm Animal Production http://www.ncifap.org/_images/212-4_envimpact_tc_final.pdf
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4 questions 1 paragraph each
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Impact of livestock production
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Impact of livestock production
1. Natural resources issues associated with raising cattle for food
From the lecture, it is also evident that raising cattle for food contributes to excessive
land use. The size of land reuired for raising cattle is relatively large compared to practicing
farming. The same size of land necessary for producing 250 pounds of beef can produce 50,000
pounds of tomatoes, 53,000 pounds of potatoes, or 30,000 pounds of carrots (Time Magazine,
2013). The amount of water necessary for livestock production is also very high. For instance, 90
percent of California`s water usage goes in livestock ...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.

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