Energy and Greenhouse Discussion

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This week, you will look in the mirror to see the impact of your own energy use. You'll be using the EPA's energy use and greenhouse gas calculator to determine your own impact on the planet (Part 1). You'll then upload that information into the GHG equivalency calculator to see what your energy use and offsets mean in real life and visual terms (Part 2). How many cars on the road, trees planted, energy efficient light bulb installed, homes you could power in a year, etc. MAKE SURE TO UPLOAD SCREENSHOTS OF YOUR CALCULATOR RESULTS FOR PARTS 1 & 2!

One of the problems with most calculators of this type are the results are in tonnes of carbon........but what does that really mean? This exercise will literally show you.

In Part 3, you will analyze your own results to determine if you were surprised or not and how your results compare to society as a whole. Can society be sustainable if they had energy use that was like yours? In part 3, be sure to NUMBER THE QUESTIONS YOU ARE ANSWERING and be detailed in your answers. Be sure to fully address all aspects of the questions I've asked. Also be sure to upload screenshots of your results in Part 1 and your Equivalencies in Part 2.

Inputting your own energy data will give you a clearer picture of your own impact. If you don't have energy data, use the sample data the calculator provides by clicking on the "i" button.

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ES 1- HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #6- YOUR ENERGY AND GREENHOUSE ASSESSMENT PLAN ROEDER –WINTER 2020 MANDATORY ASSIGNMENT- 20 POINTS STEP ONE; 20 POINTS STEP TWO; 35 POINTS STEP THREE= 75 POINTS TOTAL One of the Mandatory Assignments for this class is to assess your own use of Energy and the amount of greenhouse gases you emit. The various forms of Fossil Fuel Energy we use to power our lives has an impact on Greenhouse emissions and climate change. Use the following instructions to assess your own high level energy use, then follow the instructions and answer the questions below. TAKE A SCREEN SHOT OF STEP ONE AND STEP TWO AND SUBMIT IT WITH YOUR WRITE UP ON STEP THREE. STEP ONE: Assess your own energy use and energy carbon footprint at a high level: • Start with your home energy use- calculate your Natural Gas, Electricity, Transportation Energy and Waste. • Go to this URL: and put in the information for your family size and zip code. Hit enter • Select your primary source of heat from the pull down menu (Gas or Electric) • If you have an energy bill handy, enter the number of gas therms or electricity KWh. If you can average this over a full year, the numbers will be more accurate. If not, a September or April bill electricity bill will be more typical of an average month. I • If you don’t have access to your energy bill, click on the “I“ next to each energy source and use the averages given to you. • Make sure to enter any energy offsets you realize in the “Reduce Your Emissions” area directly below • Once you have calculated your Home energy CO2 equivalents, click on the TRANSPORTATION tab and fill in the boxes. Once again, remember to input your transportation energy offsets. • Now Enter your figures for WASTE AND ANY OFFSETS. • In the right hand column will your accumulated pounds of CO2 for home energy use and transportation. Feel free to print out your report. STEP TWO: Compare your CO2 emissions to the impact on the environment and equivalencies needed to offset your CO2 emissions by going to this web address: • Enter your emissions data from step one. Fill in only the CO2 Equivalents pull down at the top. MAKE SURE TO SELECT “Pounds of CO2” to be consistent with Step One • Hit • Look below at your “Equivalency Results” • CHOOSE ONE of your equivalency results from the calculator STEP THREE: o Provide a STRONG PARAGRAPH (at least) analysis of your RESULTS and EQUIVALENCIES based on the above equivalency you selected. o How do you feel about your own results? Are they what you expected or are you surprised? STRONG PARAGRAPH REQUIRED o How sustainable do you feel we are as a society if everyone in the US had similar energy use as you and the same equivalencies you chose to analyze? STRONG PARAGRAPH REQUIRED
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Hello, I added screenshots of Part 1 & Part 2 to the document.

Part 1:

Energy and Greenhouse Gas Assessmen Plan

Part 2:

Part 3:
Energy use and carbon emissions are something constantly discussed in the news
and often the blame for events that affect the climate. My results gave an annual carbon
emission of 45,509 lbs of CO2, which was very surprising to me. These results did fall
below the national average though. What made this even more eye opening was looki...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.
