Waldorf University Environmental Science Memorandum

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Waldorf University


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ENVSTY 101 memo #1 calls on you to describe two examples of the natural capital (natural resources and ecosystem services) that you encounter as you travel between two locations on a regular basis. An example might be the natural capital that you observe on a regular walk to the grocery store, a drive to a relative’s house, or a T/bike ride to UMass Boston. The memo should be between 600-750 words, so it requires that you provide some detailed description of the two types of natural capital you observe, as well as your analysis of the ecosystem services they provide. You must cite at least one source (for instance, data from UMB, the City of Boston, Mass Dept of Transportation, MBTA, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, etc.) for each example and include a References or Works Cited page of properly cited sources as an appendix (this page will not count toward the word limit). To help you along, I’m providing an outline of a memo below that gives you a template to follow: To: ENVSTY 101 class From: student name Date: due date (or submission date if earlier) Subject: [state the assignment question/issue/topic, e.g., Natural capital between ______________ and ______________. I. Restate the question/issue/topic This memo provides a description of two types of natural resources and the respective ecosystem services they support that I observe on a regular basis as I travel between ______________ and _______. II. Describe the trip you take, including information about your method of transportation, how long the trip takes, the general environment you’re passing through, and how your mode of transportation affects the observations you’re able to make (for example, a bike ride provides different opportunities for observations than a walk or a subway trip). III. - In two paragraphs, describe your two examples of natural capital. For each example/paragraph, describe: what natural resource(s) you observe [e.g. trees, open fields] what ecosystem services are provided and how they serve society what condition the natural capital is in [e.g., healthy, degraded] and why whether it is likely or not to endure as a sustainable. Cite relevant sources as evidence supporting your analysis. IV. Conclusion As outlined above, on my regular trip between __________ and ____, I observe two significant examples of natural capital. [Now make a few comparative/contrasting reflections that tell us what you can conclude from these different observations.] References [using APA format] or Works Cited [if using MLA format]
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700 Words
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Explanation & Answer

Hello, thank you very much for your patience. I have completed the assignment as per the instruction request. It will be my great pleasure if you release the fund and give me a five star. However, I will also be available in case of any clarification and adjustment. Regards

The paper takes the structure of a memo
I travel frequently from school and home passing through forest which extends along the road.
I discussed two natural resources:
1. Forest
2. Sunlight
Their corresponding environmental services are

Forest: Timber, gaseous exchange, habitat for wild animals

Sunlight: solar energy, vitamin D

The means of transport is bus.


Environmental Science
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Environmental science
To: The Project Manager
Subject: Natural capital between Forest and Sunlight
This memo gives a description of Natural capital between natural resources and the
corresponding ecosystem service they provide, which I regularly observed while traveling
between school and home. My school days are Monday and Thursdays...

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