Educational Change Essay

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Collect 6 newspaper articles about educational change. It is suggested that you navigate the web to find relevant articles. For this assignment, write a paper to address the following:

  1. Summarize the articles you collected.
  2. Make specific recommendations to help reduce resistance to these proposed or enacted changes presented in the news articles you located. 

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3 pages
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Educational Change
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Education is supposed to enhance economic social and cultural transformation aspects,
especially during national or global changes. Educational change has thus become a major
subject in several education arrangements and strategies for the expansion of schools. The
history of educational change is replete with the failure concerning accomplishing envisioned
goals and expressing new ideas. Traditionally, early educational reforms were centered on
externally based systems and majorly were concerned with renewing instruction and curricula.
Educational change is a relatively broad term and has in recent times, become the theme in many
educational systems. According to Skerrett (2017), Modern educational change theories depict
education as an open system but also recognize the interdependence of various components of
the system and also the influence of academic context on the change process itself. This paper
summarizes news articles that depict aspects of educational change and also makes
recommendations to reduce resistance to the proposed changes presented.
Teachers Quality and Student Performance
The New York Times (2017). The Quality of Teachers and Students Performance. The New York
Over the years, research has identified the links involved in the quality of teachers, the
quality of teaching, and the performance of the students. The article talks about teachers' quality
and how it is influenced as a result of the relationship of several factors which include the
professional environment that teaching occurs, the pre-service preparation and the professional
development of teachers. The article highlights that the current education system needs to be
revised for it to focus on enhancing the skills of students’. For an extended period, most teachers



training facilities have been inadequate in the region and the facilities are also mostly unrelated
to the work teachers do in classrooms. The article concludes by highlighting that although
student’s performance has been on a gradual rise, policies need to be formulated that will help
not only to remove the barriers that hinder opportunities to learn but also the obstacles that may
impede opportunities to teach.
Meaningful professional pre-service preparations will be essential to address the learning
needs of every student and improve learning. This strategy should be implemented in schools
that have established favorable conditions for learning and teaching that allow student and
teacher success to flourish. Besides, teacher learning programs and teachers' professional
development should always be aligned with the federally required standards and reciprocate the
work teachers do in class. The society should also not only recognize individual attributes for
educational success but also the efforts teachers put in. Research ...

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