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Eating Disorders In Fiji.1 1

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Eating Disorders in Fiji
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Question 1
The culture of society should be taken into account in the study of abnormal psychology where
previous studies reveal that eating disorders are more prevalent in industrialized societies than in
developing societies (Becker et al., 2002). Taking Fiji as our case study of a developing nation, it
encourages robust appetite and as a result, issues such as dieting were initially nonexistent.
Women are affected due to the too much attention they pay to their body weight, causing them to
have body dissatisfaction even at the age of 10. Culture with exposure to media is responsible for
promoting exercising activities and dieting measures, through the use of ladies with small body
sizes in their advertisements (Becker et al., 2002) hence only a percentage are affected
Abnormal psychology, though rapidly increasing, can be treated. People dealing with disorders
such as anorexia nervosa require psychological counseling to regain normal eating habits. The
society with its sociocultural influences, such as in the case of Fijian residents, can be an
effective channel to control anorexia nervosa, but for an individual, with bulimia, it is unlikely to
work. A patient with psychological issues can get psychotherapy such as family-based therapy or
even individual therapy. Individual therapy has been highly identified as to have limiting factors
with the age of the patient being the greatest inhibitor, as it can only be performed by adults
(Becker,1995 ).
Substance abuse as described by National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) refers to the
continuous intake of narcotics until to the point where one cannot control his intake. There are

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Running Header: ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY Eating Disorders in Fiji Name Date: Institution Affiliation: Running Header: ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY Question 1 The culture of society should be taken into account in the study of abnormal psychology where previous studies reveal that eating disorders are more prevalent in industrialized societies than in developing societies (Becker et al., 2002). Taking Fiji as our case study of a developing nation, it encourages robust appetite and as a result, issues such as dieting were initially nonexistent. Women are affected due to the too much attention they pay to their body weight, causing them to have body dissatisfaction even at the age of 10. Culture with exposure to media is responsible for promoting exercising activities and dieting measures, through the use of ladies with small body sizes in their advertisements (Becker et al., 2002) hence only a percentage are affected Abnormal psychology, though rapidly increasing, can be treated. People dealing with disorders such as anorexia nervosa require psychological counseling to regain normal eating habits. The society with its sociocultural influences, such as in the case of Fijian residents, can be an effective channel to control anorexia nervosa, but for an individual, with bulimia, it is unlikely to work. A patient with psychological issues can get psychotherapy such as family-based therapy or even individual therapy. Individual therapy has been highly identified as to have limiting factors wi ...
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Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.
