Kaplan University Diversity in Groups Responses

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Business Finance

Kaplan University


Discussion Topic: Diversity in Groups

  • Use “Euro-Disney Stumbles” (p. 130) from the textbook (Adams & Galanes, 2018).


Adams, K. L., & Galanes, G. J. (2018) Communicating in groups applications and skills (10th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Posted 1

Hello Class and Professor,

Diversity  is very important especially if you are trying to move your company to  another location. Diversity is all around us, even in our home  countries. When a company like Disney is wanting to incorporate their  business into another culture, they must ensure that they understand the  cultural norms of that country before jumping into it. Although Disney  thought it would be fine to just jump into business in Europe, they  quickly found that there were differences in business within the  country. Disney should have spent some time researching and  understanding the differences of the country. Through extensive research  the company could have identified the cultural differences and prepared  for those when entering into the business market within Europe. Within  their research it would have also been important to meet with  individuals with the diverse background. Discussing the cultural norms  within Europe with someone of the European culture could have helped in  their success.

Posted 2 

There  are many culture differences between North Americans and Europeans. One  particular rule North Americans do that would catch a funny eye and  maybe even some dirty eyes in some European countries is handling  produce at the market. This is not the case in some European countries  and some will even give you a plastic glove if you so desperately feel  the need to get handsy with the produce. A European custom that may seem  silly to people in North America is the fact that they don’t rush you  at restaurants and you have to ask for the check or bill. This is mostly  due to the fact that tips are not viewed as a requirement in most  European nations, so the waiters and waitress are not working for your  money much as they are for your respect toward the restaurant and for  the consumer to have an enjoyable experience. 

The  story suggests that “we tend to assume that individuals from other  cultures share our values, behaviors, and communication patterns, but  they don’t necessarily” (Adams & Galanes, 2018). The Disney  executives assumed that the clean-cut value that we share in North  America would be accepted at the Euro-Disney. I think one factor that  contributed to this not well-thought-out decision by Disney was putting  their Disney image ahead of considering culture difference to be  successful. Disney wanted to protect and maintain their image by  following what has worked in the past without careful consideration of  how they could do that and make the attraction fit into the culture the  attraction would be.  

Posted 3

This is a great read, there are many things in our country that might seem normal but not be normal to other countries. One thing that really comes to mind when I think of the way Europeans think. Most in the United 

States believe that when you go to the beach we should be fully clothed or covered. That is not the case in Europe, there are many beaches that are clothing optional. This is normal to them and think we are silly for being that way. 

            Europeans tend to have less of a personal space than we do. If someone  is all up in my face trying to talk, it always seems weird. For  Europeans they believe in talking right in your face. This to some  Americans would be crazy or silly. 

            This story to me suggest that the marketing team did not do their  research before they started the movement to Europe. Knowing the culture  of your projected area, or target market is a must when expanding a  business and could have been detrimental to the company. They were able  to think quickly and get back on the right track. 

            I would say that the company thought they were so big, that it would  not fail. Sometimes people get complacent and believe nothing can  happen. This is a time where they found out they were wrong. The good  thing is they were able to overcome the issue. 

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Explanation & Answer

Hello there, have a look at the complete paper. In case of any concern, feel free to alert meThank you


Diversity in Groups - Responses

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Response 1

When a company shifts its operations to a new location, it should also adopt a new
culture. I agree with you that diversity is an essential tool towards business success. Diversity is
developed based on the goals intended to be achieved ("Cultural Diversity and Stakeholder
Awareness," 2020). Every location has its own culture, norms, practices, laws, and restrictions.
Hence, the company should streamline and develop new strategies that would help it to be...

Just what I needed…Fantastic!
