Climate change Article Critique

User Generated





For this assignment, you will read a recent article on climate change and critique it based on your understanding of ecological principles (Course Objective # 10). It does not matter where the article is published, but it should be an article that presents information and makes a logical argument based on that evidence.


Please note that discussion initial posts and discussion participation have different due dates. The initial posts are due earlier, so the class has enough time to review and comment on the posts. This is to ensure that you are fully engaged in discussions, as you would be in a live classroom. Please find the due dates for discussion initial posts and discussion participation in the Course Summary section of the Syllabus.

  1. Select an article and, if you have any doubts whether it is an appropriate choice for this assignment, email the link to the article or a PDF of the article to your instructor for approval (optional).
  2. Read the article thoroughly and make notes.


Please click the Reply button below to submit your initial post, and then participate in the discussion. You can also find the discussion forum by clicking the Discussions link in Course Navigation.

Part 1: Initial Post - The Review

Make an initial post including the following information:

  • State the publication information including article title, publication date, and author’s name. If possible, include a web link to the article. (3 points)
  • Summarize the article’s main point and the author’s point of view. (5 points)
  • Summarize the evidence provided. (5 points)
  • Compare the article’s points to ecological principles. (5 points)

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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

Article Information
Trenberth, K. E. (2018). Climate change caused by human activities is happening and it already
has major consequences. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law.
There are rising numbers of billion-dollar disasters across the USA and around the globe.
Even though the impacts of climate change are modest, maybe five to 15 climate change events,
once the threshold is exceeded, damages increase, and things break non-linearly. As a result,
these aspects are not appropriately factored into climate change costs. Moreover, the preparation
for the anticipated effects is tragically inadequate, which worsens the damage. Costs of air

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