SDSU Online Edition of A Newspaper Questions

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Business Finance

San Diego State University 9


1. When, if ever, is book censorship justified? Use examples to explain and defend your answer. Make sure you read Chapter 3 "Books" especially pages 79-82 "Controversies" before answering.

2. What are some of the effects of e-books on the general population?

3. What type of reader are you? What effect has your reading style had on your education and your life?



This week I would like you to read an online edition of a newspaper and hard copy of a newspaper.

1.  After reading through each section tell us what aspects you liked of each and what you didn't like as much.

2. Which format are you more likely to use? Why?

3. Do you currently read a newspaper (hard copy or online) on a regular basis?  Why or why not?

4. Did you grow up in a household where your parents read the paper on a regular basis?

5. Do you prefer reading an in depth report (like you might find in a newspaper) or watching a shorter version of the story (like you might find on a local newscast)?

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Explanation & Answer


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When, if ever, is book censorship justified? Use examples to explain and defend your
answer. Make sure you read Chapter 3 "Books," especially pages 79-82 "Controversies"
before answering.
What are some of the effects of e-books on the general population?
The ebooks are affordable to the general public as compared to the hard copy. Thus, they
have a significant influence on the general population.
What type of reader are you? What effect has your reading style had on your ed...

Nice! Really impressed with the quality.
