SJSU Organizational Theory Social Responsibility Paper

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Business Finance

San Jose State University SJSU


Pick any one of the following terms for your research: code of ethics, conscious capitalism, corporate social responsibility (CSR), culture, ethical dilemma, external adaptation, mission culture, social capital, values-based leadership, or whistle-blowing.

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Running head: INTERORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Interorganizational Relationships Name Organizational Theory University 1 INTERORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS 2 Definition Interorganizational relationships are the long-term and short-term interactions that take place between organizations that help them fulfill the interests that they have in common but at the same time remaining autonomous and independent from each other. Summary The article by Silvana et al, (2009), Impact of the Internet on inter-organizational relationships, mainly discusses how the internet has aided the development of interorganizational relationships over time. Some of the advantages of incorporating the internet in inter-organizational relationships include cheaper operations, standardization of operations, and the power of networks. Over time, more and more organizations have increased the number of cooperative relationships that they have built with other organizations. The study that was conducted by Silvana et al, (2009) attempted to evaluate the impact of the internet on the different stages of inter-organizational relationships. 206 companies participated in the study and a majority of them were small firms with 500 employees or less (Silvana et al, 2009). The results of the study indicated that the internet has influenced different interorganizational relationships positively in terms of making the process of finding new partners easier, developing better relationships, change in the selection criteria for choosing partners, and better performance of these collaborations. Most of these effects were evident in medium-level types of partnerships. Discussion This article does a great job of describing the different ways that the internet makes inter-organizational relationships better. the technological changes that take place in the world today have made it easier for people to communicate and meet other like-minded people. A while back, communication was a big issue because people relied on faxes, INTERORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS 3 telegrams, and letters. Much later, telephones made things a bit better. Today, many companies run a paperless organization because of the convenience that the internet brought into both professional and personal relationships. The research carried out by Silvana et al, (2009) provides sufficient data to support that the internet has influenced inter-organizational relationships positively. Different firms can find new partners with like interests easier and faster. This saves a lot of time and energy because a few interactions between the companies’ representatives will help determine the specific needs of the other organization. Once these relationships are formed, then the internet makes it easier to develop better relationships. This is as a result of the ease in communication and scheduling of meetings. Companies can also make better lists of the qualities of the partner company that they are looking for. Finding a match is easier now that the other companies can easily be found and reached over several business platforms powered by the internet. Better communication will result in better performance of the partnerships that will be formed between and among these companies. This research study brought a lot to light in terms of the importance of incorporating the internet in the search, development, and advancement of inter-organizational relationships. Technologies that allow actions such as video conferencing are an example of one way that the internet has made communication easier among partner organizations. The internet has worked miracles by making our every day lives easier. Business has not been left behind in these developments. INTERORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS 4 References Silvana, T., Silvana, F., & Shanggeun, R. 2009. Impact of the Internet on inter-organizational relationships. Service Business, Springer; Pan-Pacific Business Association, 3(1), pages 63-83.
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Corporate Social Responsibility
February 13, 2020

Corporate social responsibility refers to the commitment of the enterprise to behave
ethically for economic development and improving the life of employees and the society. CRS is
implemented differently as per the need of the business. Generally, CSR is geared towards the
sustainability of an organization. Corporate social responsibility improves the firm's reputation,
builds the brand, and motivates the business owner (Okpara & Idowu, 2013). Building a good
reputation makes the firm socially conscious. A socially responsible organization should avoid
participating in charitable works that are not related to its core values. Generally, CSR entails
responsibilities of a firm to the local community rather that its core values of profit
In the controversial world, employees and customers prioritize working for and spending
their money with a business that values corporate social res...

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