Georgia Military College Critical Thinking Exercise Discussion

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Details on what the paper should be on are in document. Must be a narrative of a 1000 words, times new roman, 12 font, and double space. Compose a shot-by-shot analysis of a scene of your choosing from the film “ The Addams Family” (1991) . Break down each shot for its components. Then, extrapolate on the meaning of those shots. Finally, come to a soft conclusion based on your findings.

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Decoupage English 1101 OBJECTIVE: Compose a shot-by-shot analysis of a scene of your choosing from the film “ The Addams Family” (1991) . Break down each shot for its components. Then, extrapolate on the meaning of those shots. Finally, come to a soft conclusion based on your findings. You may be creative in your approach to this assignment, but there are two fundamental aspects to your approach that you must utilize: 1. Begin your paper by analyzing. You are not attempting to prove an argument, but uncover hidden meaning through OBJECTIVE observation of the shots. 2. Take each individual shot and examine it in detail. Much of the detail will end up not being relevant and will need to be removed from the final draft. But by starting off with as much detail as possible, you will notice things that may reveal a pattern or theme that would not have been possible had you overlooked some of the seemingly minor details. The purpose of the assignment is to familiarize yourself with primary source creation and analysis. In order to do this, you must start from a position of seeking to analyze the scene. You are NOT making an argument about the scene and its meaning until the final soft conclusion. Be mindful that you must be unbiased in and detail oriented in your approach. Include an explanation of the relevance of your soft conclusion. Requirements: A narrative of 1000 – 1500 words in length including: □ Inclusion of a clear and appropriate thesis statement that communicates your purpose/focus □ Detailed description of the shots of the selected scene synthesized into prose □ Detailed analysis of those details □ Soft conclusion based on the detailed analysis with an explanation of why your conclusion is relevant □ A coherent organizational structure □ Supplemental appendix showing screen shots of each shot in your scene □ Proofreading and MLA formatting
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hello buddy, please look at the file as i finalize on the final copy in a fewthanks

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Shot-by-shot analysis of The Addams Family (1991)
The Addams Family (1991) is a film that is made of different amusing sight gags developed by
different features that make it both interesting and fun to watch. Even if the film as a whole may
not be considered to a successful production, I believe that the sweet side of the film can be seen
from analyzing it based on a shot-by-shot analysis. In this paper, I will look at the scene where
the family is at a table praying together (from 17:54 to 20:04). The analysis will look at the
general impression of the scene, and then go ahead to break down the analysis into different
shots. That way, it will be easier to see how the film used different features of the camera angle,
lighting, and how the use of different aspects of cinematography play a significant role to draw
the attention of the viewer to different occasion of the scene.
In the first shot, which spans for five seconds, the camera leads the audience from the character
playing a suspenseful key note on a piano to the family at the table. At thi...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.

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