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Data Unavailability

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Computer Science




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(Surname 1)
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Data Unavailability
Data unavailability is a typical condition where specific information is inaccessible or
destroyed by system failure. Apparently, data unavailability is usually unavoidable, but the
incident can is avoided by implementing safety precautions. In a bank scenario, the database
administrator is normally tasked to secure significant information from the unauthorized users
and promote integrity of the organization by making sure that data is always stored on a reliable
podium. However, despite all the measures placed in an organization, various incidences cause
data unavailability. This paper seeks to describe possible roots of data unavailability, and the
challenges faced by cloud database management.
Accidental Deletion
In my viewpoint perspective, I think that most of the Database administrators create new
files, update them and delete some occasionally. In this case, we are all human and the reality is
that we make mistakes. In a bank environment, several users access the storage database to fulfill
their various roles where they may delete important files accidentally. Noteworthy, the window
recycles bin usually offer a safety net, but several scenarios bypass the recycle bin rescue
process. For instance, data deleted permanently from the hard drive using the Shift + Delete
command or files accessed over a Network (emails) bypass the recycle bin recovery. In fact, the

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(Surname 2)
leading Mailbox Recovery Software in the United States receives more than 10,000 requests for
email restoration per month.
Prevention of data deletion can be ensured by having limited access to the database
information. In this way, the users can only access data in read-only mode and can only change
the data with authorization from the database administrator. Additionally, having a proper data
backup in place is the best way to safeguard data no matter what type of deletion occurs.
Malware and Virus Infections
Being associated with internet activities has its benefits, but some costs may come in. The
most common causes of malware and virus entry are usually through email-based attacks or
when in an attempt to get a critical information. In this way, new viruses pops up into the
computer putting the stored data at risk. Malware and Virus infection is a significant threat to
data availability as they can encrypt the data, steal, destroy and even corrupting the computer
hardware completely. Most viruses target operational software and stored data. Malware
infection usually corrupts the deep-stored of data especially in corporate environments where all
users access information from a central server. There are also new types of malware referred to
as ransomware which encrypts user data making it inaccessible until the malware creators
receive a specific transaction of payment (Gazet, 82). The most recent instance of such a case is
the WannaCry ransomware attack whereby thousands of users worldwide were unable to access
their data.
Database and system administrators should ensure that up-to-date versions of anti-virus
and anti-malware software are installed in their systems to remove traces of malware from

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(Surname 1) Student Professor Course Details Date of Submission Data Unavailability Data unavailability is a typical condition where specific information is inaccessible or destroyed by system failure. Apparently, data unavailability is usually unavoidable, but the incident can is avoided by implementing safety precautions. In a bank scenario, the database administrator is normally tasked to secure significant information from the unauthorized users and promote integrity of the organization by making sure that data is always stored on a reliable podium. However, despite all the measures placed in an organization, various incidences cause data unavailability. This paper seeks to describe possible roots of data unavailability, and the challenges faced by cloud database management. Accidental Deletion In my viewpoint perspective, I think that most of the Database administrators create new files, update them and delete some occasionally. In this case, we are all human and the reality is that we make mistakes. In a bank environment, several users access the storage database to fulfill their various roles where they may delete important files accidentally. Noteworthy, the window recycles bin usually offer a safety net, but several scenarios bypass the recycle bin rescue process. For instance, data deleted permanently from the hard drive using the Shift + Delete command or files accessed over a Network (emails) bypass the recycle bin recovery. In fact, the (Surname 2) leading Mail ...
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Very useful material for studying!
