Florida State University Cultural Awareness Paper

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Florida State University


This assignment provides an opportunity to analyze how one aspect of your culture (socioeconomic class)influenced your growth and development, and to evaluate its impact on your identity as a social worker. In a 3-5 page paper that focuses on your socioeconomic class as one aspect of your cultural identity, please:

  1. Discuss, with examples, the ways in which your understanding of your socioeconomic class was transmitted to you as you were growing up (4 points).
  2. Discuss, with examples, how your socioeconomic class influences your current interactions with others within the various systems you are connected (4 points).
  3. Discuss, with examples, the extent to which your socioeconomic class is congruent or dissonant with dominant American culture (2 points). Describe at least two ways you have been affected by this congruence or dissonance (e.g., as a member of the middle class you have enjoyed certain privileges) (2 points).
  4. Discuss how your socioeconomic class has or will influence the way in which you perceive your role as social worker (4 points). This section should be at least 200 words in length.
  5. Writing quality, format, etc. (4 points).


  • Remember to analyze (discuss why and how)rather than just describe.
  • Use examples as evidence (e.g., proof, support) for your analysis.

Explanation & Answer:
3 pages
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Explanation & Answer


Running Head: SOCIOLOGY

Student’s Name


Socioeconomic class refers to the social position or sense of hierarchy of individuals in a
group or society. Education, income, power, and wealth, among others, define one’s social class.
This subject determines the growth and development, identity, and nature of relations in society.
The paper outlines various aspects of socioeconomic class.
Growing up in contemporary society associates an individual with social status. Attending
a school, the friends we make, our shopping malls, and hospitals we visit implicitly determine our
social class. This occurs through practical or observable learning techniques. I first understood
social classes in school. There, friendships and school associations were typically based on one’s
social class. For instance, during lunch and games break, we would sit with students whom we
quickly got along. Getting along smoothly meant having similar social backgrounds, material
possession, and culture. This defines a specific language or code where only the people in the
group could understand.
Another instance that facilitated the understanding of social class was during stereotyping
episodes. Such occurred mainly in playgrounds and churches. Children would practically cast out
or mar...

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