PCN 545 Grand Canyon University Emotional and Mental Health Crisis Intervention Questions

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PCN 545

Grand Canyon University



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1. Differentiate crisis intervention from other counseling therapeutic interventions. Provide examples to support your rationale. For follow-up discussion, critique the examples provided by your peers for validity. 2. Is the use of standard psychotherapeutic interventions appropriate during a crisis? Why or why not? Reference: Jackson-Cherry, L. R., & Erford, B. T. (2017). Crisis Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention (3rd ed.). London, England: Pearson. Objectives: Read Chapters 1&2 and answer the following. 1. Define crisis intervention. 2. Explain the steps of effective crisis intervention. 3. Describe the primary steps of a crisis intervention and Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) Intervention.
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Crisis Intervention
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Crisis Intervention
The human brain is a very complex organ. Even after years of studying the organ,
neurologists have not fully understood how and why the brain functions as it does at times.
However, according to present studies, the brain’s utmost priority is to protect the body from any
harm, whether physical or emotional. According to Nor Shafrin Ahmad, there are three main
parts of the brain, the cerebellum or brain stem, the limbic system, and the neocortex (Ahmad,
2019). The cerebellum is responsible for the fight or flight response during disaster or danger.
This animal instinct is similar across all animal brains. The limbic system controls the emotions
while the neocortex is responsible for high functions such as logic, reasoning, and language.
During crisis, stress, and danger, the limbic system and the brain stem may hijack the neocortex
(Hantula, 2019). This is characterized by panic, increased heart rate, and increased adrenaline. In
case of extreme danger or crisis, the normal functioning of the body is disrupted, at times for a
very prolonged time.
Crisis intervention is a short-term response aimed at assisting individuals with emotional,
mental, or physical distress. Its main purpose is to assist the individual in restoring stability,
especially mental and emotional stability, to minimize psychological trauma. During a crisis, an
individual may lose the sense of reality, rendered incapable of doing normal tasks, suffer from an
emotional breakdown, and get sick as stress affects immunity (Dana et al., 2019). Therefore, it
utmost priority for the expert to assist the individual in restoring normality or reducing distress,
which ...

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