Marketing Consumer Behavior Straws Proposal Paper

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Business Finance

California state university Northridge


Our group is doing a consumer behavior research report on "Paper Straws".  research and write about is:

The Product itself (what it is, benefits, etc.) 

Focus on how we could transform paper straws and why we would implement those changes like ( using thicker paper so the straws won't get soggy, or use bamboo straws instead)/Paper straws can be too thin also, etc. Focus on possible changes we can make and why, while the product can still be targeted towards enviromentally conscious consumers

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Group Activity: Proposal #1 This proposal serves as a lead-in to the first part of the group project, where each group will conduct basic research. The goal is to develop a strong understanding of the product and the parent company's basic business model. These facts should then be analyzed to identify a number of key consumer behavior issues that will lead to a successful marketing strategy (i.e., the key success factors for this product). The intent is that a number of key consumer behavior issues will emerge, and will serve as the objectives for the second part of the project. Group Activity: Proposal #1 This proposal serves as a lead-in to the first part of the group project, where each group will conduct basic research. The goal is to develop a strong understanding of the product and the parent company's basic business model. These facts should then be analyzed to identify a number of key consumer behavior issues that will lead to a successful marketing strategy (i.e., the key success factors for this product). The intent is that a number of key consumer behavior issues will emerge, and will serve as the objectives for the second part of the project. Group Activity: Project Topic Each group will choose a product/service to study. Groups are free to choose any product/service with the caveat that the product be (or have the potential to be) transformative (e.g., able to improve the lives of people and/ or the environment around them in a meaningful way). Can you brainstorm for ideas and select a topic? Also, please collect some background information about the product. Groups are encouraged to share your topics with the class. Group Activity: Proposal #1 Each group will submit a 7-page proposal (due 2/25) of their topic that includes: o the motivation for the project (i.e., the social issue being addressed), o explanation of how this product can address the chosen social issue o preliminary thoughts on what this project would explore, and why this topic is worth studying. o Some background information on the product should be provided as context. the product itself • the key internal factors (i.e., marketing strategies and tactics currently being used) • the key external factors (i.e., competition, consumer perceptions of the product).
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Straws offer a convenient solution for users to consume beverages; hence people tend to
take the straws value straws even though they are readily available. In most households and
restaurants, straws are massively used. New alternatives to replace plastic straws due to the ban
on single-use plastic products lead to the innovation of paper straws. Paper straws are small tubes
made of natural cellulose material. Materials used during manufacturing enables the straws to be
degradable and compostable (Banyi & Hassett, 2019). The...

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